Monday, 12 October 2009

PSP Go, Another Sony Classic Launch

PSP Go launch has become a nightmare for gamers, Sony

Managing a download-only console may prove harder than Sony first imagined. If you are a European customer who purchased a PSP Go, you were given a voucher for your choice of three games. The problem is that many gamers use their PlayStation 3 to download PSP content, and Sony locked the downloads down to whatever system customers use to grab the content. That means that if you used your PlayStation 3 to download the games, you're out of luck. This isn't the only issue to hinder the PSP Go's momentum.

Gamers are complaining about this issue on the official PlayStation boards, and Sony released a statement about the problem. The solution? There isn't one. A community team member had this to say, "If you download your games to your PS3 first and then attempt to copy the game across to your PSPgo via USB cable you will receive [an] error. We're still investigating this error, so for the moment if you have not yet redeemed your voucher, please redeem and download your games via your PSPgo only. We're still coming up with a solution for those who have redeemed the voucher and are now receiving the error message, and we'll update you as soon as we have a solution for you."


  1. OMG how ridiculous! Sony trying to take the "our wallet before customer service" award from iTunes

  2. Sony, Please just do something right for once.

    I'm happy that they have been brave and released a download only device, but still, i'm not too sure about it.

  3. Leave it to Dark Alex or some other PSP 1337 h4x0r to fix it!

  4. Still think they should have completely bypassed the PSPgo and gone to PSP2.

    The only thing holding that console back was the lack of dual nubs. Without them it makes genres such as FPS and action adventure titles alot harder to navigate as usually you find the camera controls mapped to square, circle e.t.c.

  5. i'm sticking with my PSP2000, really can't see the point of getting the PSPgo! if you already have a PSP. the prices they're charging for older titles on the Store is a gyp. at least i can pick them up for a fiver a shot on used UMD and not have to cough 20 beer tokens for them.

    if GTpsp is anything to go by you'll be able to do a full install of newer games from your UMD to memory stick anyways. still need to keep the umd in the drive for verification though but i'm getting more gaming time from my battery pack running from the stick... or all these pills could be making be tripballs.

  6. The PSPgo has the following main disadvantages, in my opinion:

    1. Price is too high.
    2. Smaller screen.
    3. Media storage slot is MemStick M2 only!
    4. Can't xfer UMD games to it.
    5. All games for it (old, new and Minis) are at rip-off prices, considering there's no packaging, middleman etc.

    Can ayone think of any more...?

  7. @ ZZ - controls too small and close together.
    also no trade in value to downloaded games.
    can't remove battery for a boosted version.
    none of the old accessories fit (without an adapter)

    anyone got anymore hate for the PSPgo!?

  8. yeah, my v1 PSP is just fine and can do all the same stuff :)

    Same goes for the new PS3 slim, where are the new features? My v1 60GB has a new big HD and is better than the slim in looks and disc size :)
