Friday, 4 December 2009

AVATAR: gameplay footage

well, what do you think then now you've seen it in action?


  1. I think that I've heard better voice acting in dubbed pr0n movies.

  2. Nothing wrong with dubbed porn!

    Bit bummed by this now....AVATAR in general to me - Ferngully with Mechs....but I was looking forward to it!

    Let's just hope then the film comes off as enjoyable...shame about the game =(

  3. I dont really think the film looks all that good. The graphics are no where near amazing, I'm not blown away like i was expecting to. I think the story is a bit pants aswel...just hope the film is good.

  4. I refuse to even click on play

  5. @MrJ

    hahaha, well said sir. Have to agree with E-ROLE also, film looks a bit pants.
