Friday, 22 January 2010

Pre-Order Hell 2010 Edition

Have we ever had it so good? Just checked my preorder list and it looks like I may have to get a second job (suggestions please...) to afford everything on there.

Here's a quick rundown with (in some cases) release dates:

Star Ocean International Edition - 12th Feb

Final Fantasy 13 - 9th March

Resonance of Fate - 26th March

Super Street Fighter 4 - 23rd April

Gran Turismo 5 - 25th June (Fingers crossed)

Dead Rising 2 - 25th June (TBC)

Last Guardian - June/July (TBC)

That's about £210 right there taking us up to summer time.

This doesn't account for the fact that I may also pick up the Heavy Rain (26th Feb), Yakuza 3 (12th March), God of War 3 (18th March), Crysis 2 (TBC), Kane & Lynch 2 (TBC - loving those viral vids), Metal Gear Solid Rising (TBC), etc....

Interested to know what you guys have on pre-order, and how you'll explain to the other half why these strange DVD shaped parcels keep landing through your post box.



  1. £210 in pre-orders? Don't think I will be placing any pre-orders for a while as I received notice from my company that I'm "in scope" for redundancy (aka hanging on by the skin of my teeth!) How many of them will you be getting?

  2. *looks in pre-order list*

    nothing... better add GT5 to it i guess
    in case i forget nearer the date.

    i'm into lurking around game shops these
    days seeing what i find.

    got SBK09 for 17.95 today as i rented it
    when it came out and never got around to
    actually buying it.

  3. @reakt

    Plan on getting them all with the exception of Resonance of Fate which is 50/50 (a little too soon after Star Ocean and FF13.) I may be all JRPG'd out by then.

    Just read the preview of Kane & Lynch 2 in Edge and it sounds awesome. Can't wait to see some gameplay footage.

  4. just pre-ordered Star Ocean (29.99 amazon), it looks like it plays a hell of a lot like Phantasy Star Universe and that was a pretty sweet game. infact i think that was probably the last PS2 game i got full price.

    2 weeks to go.
