Friday, 23 April 2010

Roy Fokker's Wet Dream

Even if this doesn't get an EU release, plz have English subs so I can import!!

Between this and the rumoured Zone of the Enders 3 I might die from a mech O.D.



  1. Nice vid - great graphics but terrible music!

  2. Another century episode....

    you could easily go down the route of "its another - enter mech franchise here"


    You could DREAM!!!!...that this is a new "ACE" Combat game for the future.

  3. Looks great, though I'd probably give it a miss. Last "real" mech type game or video to interest me was Steel Battalions on original xbox. Really wish Capcom had developed that further (preferably on PS3, obviously). The controller was freakin' awesome! The game wasn't too bad either.

  4. @muggle

    I own Steel Battalion ^____^

    sadly the online is gone with the sequal - but damned was it not one of the best gaming purchases i ever made, and SOLE reason i cradle my original xbox and never wish it to escape my sight.

  5. @JS

    Technically, I still own Steel Battalion too. It's on long term loan to someone. It's also the only reason I'd get a 360, as it apparently works on that as well.

    I remember reading about some of the Japanese gaming rigs built specially for Steel Battalions, and wishing I had both the money and the room for some of them. Don't think I'll ever understand why Capcom never put more effort into more sequels to that game (or quality ports - would happily pay good money for a PS3 1080 version).

  6. i feel this is gonna be another case of great CG intro, mediocre gameplay. i've yet to play a good mech game this generation.

  7. AC$: For Answer was fun!

    Never did mange to finish the last level "assault on cranium" thingy - 2 shithot mechs and my stubby little bipedal craphorse....I stood no chance.
