Friday, 11 June 2010

Did Somebody Mention Football?

Not on this blog they don't. i announce that this blog is officially a football free zone for the forseeable future, so like the real men we are, and not those poncey pigs bladder kickers, i give you Emily Booth, in a bikini, shooting weapon, viva game geeks :)

Also, it's a week to go until E3, and there's leaks of mr Sketchs long waited for new PS3 revision, Two new PS3 models (CECH-2501A and CECH-2501B) have been tested by the FCC and certified for both 802.11b/g WiFi and Bluetooth 2.0+EDR expect Sony to have something to say about that. Me, i'm looking forwards to see what Ninty has to annouce about the DS 3D, been following the rumors, scribbles from mad chinese workers and general hubbub on the net for a while now and i have to say i'm officially hooked on the concept.

what are you look forwards to seeing?


  1. The original Booth babe. Ahhhh... that video brings back happy mammaries.

    Don't forget the quote from Jasper Carrott in the mid-1980s...

    "Football began more than 100 years ago, when a group of men used to kick a pig's bladder about. To nowadays they kick the whole policeman..."


    (Sat in a room with the stupid football match on the stupid television trying to sensibly avoid it)

  2. Don't forget the rumoured Xbox 360 "slim" model with/without Natal ("Wave") platform bundles, the new PS3 models you mentioned for similar Move ("Arc") bundles, potential to mention the name-to-be-confirmed "PSP2", a "Wii 2" in 2011, more 3D-TV/stereoscopic game support (from Sony & Microsoft), Games on Demand, Subscription fees for the PlayStation Network, SEGA/Dreamcast downloadable titles, an appearance by Kevin Butler, "Killzone 3" versus "Gears of War 3" game-play videos, "MotorStorm (3) Apocalypse" & "Fable III" as well, even more developers/publishers announcing their own methods to starve the pre-owned games market of their revenue, the "LittleBIGPlanet 2"/PS3 "they only do everything" slogan, Tomonobu Itagaki’s new project at Valhalla Games Studios, a new handheld outing for Kratos in a further "God of War" title, & a confirmed date (or maybe a revised features list) for "Gran Turismo 5".

    I'm looking forward to Stuart "Bodycount" Black talking about something other than himself, and news of PS2 titles on the PlayStation Network.

    Conversely there will not be news of the rejection of Vivid Video's suggestion of PS3 High Definition porn streaming, or the Pan-European Game Information [PEGI] certification rating system being converted from the current 'advisory' board status to a legally-enforceable code of conduct in the UK in October 2010.

    There probably will not be any mention of the findings of the American Psychological Association, as published this month in a special issue of the journal "Review of General Psychology" that "Playing violent video games can make some adolescents more hostile, particularly those who are less agreeable, less conscientious and easily angered. But for others, it may offer opportunities to learn new skills and improve social networking."

    [ ]

    The video games industry could do with some good press.

    I'm hoping the Electronic Entertainment Expo 2010 coverage at "Unofficial ThreeSpeech" can help with that over the next week :)



  3. Kevin Butler and Randy Pitchford should be given awards for their contribution to gaming over the last year.

    you know, for getting across the fact, tongue in cheaky, that gaming is fun!

    i'm just wondering why the companies bother leaking soo much info before E3 though, it just dilutes the whole experience for me. what's wrong with people just waiting a bit for the info.

    i've already seen the Killzone 3 gameplay vid, new E3 GT5 trailer, Fallout:NV footage etc etc..

    i'm in a bit of an anti-hype mood of late.. i blame GT5 for that personally.

  4. ps: i think you've just summed up E3 in your comment there FP, no need for me to write anything moar :D

    all we need to do is tack on some release dates -hehe-

  5. PSP Go 2 or whatever it's gonna be called. Also interested to see what new games are announced for the ipad.

  6. Valhalla Games new title, WET2... oh sorry, what do you mean it's not?

    Devil's Third you say...

  7. Want my new fangled PS3 REVISION!!!!!!!!

  8. The "Ninja Dead or Gaiden Alive Fifth Project" is going to be on my shopping list, 'tone, but, yes, the game-play reminded me of Rubi Malone's character too.

    I hope the subsequent instalment of the "Wet" franchise gets past the 'planning' stage with Bethesda Softworks. Eliza Dushku was keen to portray the character she voiced in live-action form too.

    With the right management it could be a very interesting video game cross-over.

    With the wrong management it could end up being like so many other movies based on video games or video games based on movies.

    One final point... "Devil's Third"... multi-player has been mentioned; could be interesting! :)



  9. Anyone seen the movie "Triangle"? Just watched it! Spooky!
