Monday, 11 October 2010


Got my free sample of the x3jailbreak today, dispite DHL trying to deliver it since 22-09, useless tossers! if they'd left a card the first time i may have got it a month ago. Anyway it came in a nice case and is pretty well made, a rear cap removes to set it to flash mode or operation mode in the PS3. downloaded the software installer and they didn't include the code.bin file needed to flash it! d'oh. Have requested it off a couple of people, see what happens. Even though i can't use it, it's nice to have as a bit of tech from PS3's history, probably just bung it in a drawer and just forget about it now.

Also been thinking about trying to fix my dead 60Gb model, looks like i'm going to have to go the re-flux/heatgun way, hell, it's not like i've got anything to lose by having a go as my replacement has been working fine since i got it. and running much cooler i may add. Just need to get myself a heat gun, everything else is a trip to my local Maplins.


  1. if you can, get a heatgun with a couple of settings. about 350 degrees is what you need if I remember.

  2. tone - despite being careful, I totalled mine.

    Recently I did some work with a local electronic manufacturer, they have a table sized machine which is for refluxing whole boards, so do a bit of googling in your area, bike over and use your powers to run the board through - much safer I'd say.

    My Mame cabinet is coming on strong, I'll do a little youtube video in the next few days - if I don't it won't look much like the rare 1979 cabinet it's based on anymore...

  3. Mr J I am very jealous. All round yours for a few games of DoDonPachi when it's finished.

  4. @pabloamigo - haha I'd like that! Actually I got googling Ikaruga after you bigged that up a few days back, it's on my list. Just shot some video, will upload later if I skive a bit more work..

  5. You can't go wrong with Ikaruga. Once you get the hang of the chaining mechanics it will consume you!!!

  6. been watching a few vids and reading up on nuking the motherboard and i feel mostly confident, like i say, i have nothing to lose if it doesn't work. my only concern is having some spare screws left over when i put it back together again :D i figure i can get everything - liquid flux, artic paste, gun etc. for about £30

    looking forwards to seeing your uber gaming cabinet Mr J.

  7. Ikaruga is immense, DoDonpachi i-phone is eating all my time at the mo.. Sony need to butter up CAVE

  8. worst case scenario can do what I did with my old phat ps3 when it yellow-light-of-death'd on me after its second chance of life post-heatgun -

    Fancy motherboard coasters and desk tidy!

  9. indeed, if it doesn't work i'm sure i'll find some creative use for it's corpse.

  10. my phat 60g gonna die isn't it :( it sounds like an asthmatic chilean miner at the mo

  11. mine sounded like i'd fitted it with a supercharger for two days before it cacked it.

    i just put it down to being hot outside and it was nothing to worry about, the temp display read a warm 50*C at the vent. then it just YLOD when i tried to turn it on the next morning.

    total waste of time backing it up to an external drive though as the only thing it reinstalled was my mp3s, video and photos! i had to redownloaded everything else all over again. lucky my save games i copied to a usb stick, except those poxy protected ones, yeah, i'm looking at you Killzone.

  12. talking of downloading things, Borderlands GoTY Edition doesn't have the DLC on the disc, you get a voucher in the case to download it from the Store. gypped! So if you have the game there's no real reason to buy it. oh sorry, you get a map of Pandora too...
