Saturday, 31 December 2011
Happy 2012 for the Vita?
Saints Row The Third - the final challenges
I'm really close to Platinum on SR3 now, not that I'm a trophy whore (just a regular, naked psycho whore as pictured), I only had a few challenges left after ticking through the missions, car thefts and assasinations, so I decided to press on and go for the full set...
The one I (and many other people) messed up on is "Gang Members Taunted" - you have to taunt 50 of them, which I only did 7 times during the game. Once you've got City Takeover, there are no gang members left. There is a couple of ways on XBox, but on PS3 there is only one technique that I've found that works, and actually makes it pretty easy to get...
Start the Mayhem (Easy) activity in the Deckers area.
Jump in the Deckers car and torpedo it away from them, then blow it up. Maybe do this to a couple of cars, so you have 4-5 Deckers shooting at you.
Duck into Friendly Fire to clear your Noteriety, then come out and Taunt - repeat.
You may notice you can't always/often taunt the same Decker, so waste em and get a fresh carload.
When you are down to 15 seconds or so on the activity, Save Game and Load Game. If you restart the activity you lose the challenge gains, so don't do it!
I am three rounds in and getting 7-8 taunts per round, so it really is fairly painless!
[source: HaxAras in the SR3 Forums]
After this I have a bit more Car Torpedo work and a couple of Base Jumps, then I'm home and dry! Next stops, Dead Space 2 and Mass Effect 2 have been waiting for me..
Wednesday, 21 December 2011
Tuesday, 20 December 2011
Just Where Are We Located?
Saturday, 17 December 2011
3D Converter Unit; Egreat TD20
Thursday, 8 December 2011
Wednesday, 7 December 2011
Top Of The World, Ma
Saturday, 3 December 2011
Wednesday, 30 November 2011
Starhawk private beta looking tidy..
Nope, check this out from Lightbox:
The game - we've only got CTF for now, it's radically different from Warhawk, the most noticable at first being the button selections, then the build and battle elements, but as expressed in the run-up, it does feel familiar - "spiritual successor" is dead on. For a very early beta, it's super solid, seemingly lag free and stable, nice accurate long shots, grenades, close quarters - all good. Only critisism so far, looks a little lo-res, this could simply be colour selections though. Oh, and it kept me up till 1am on a work night.
Now I've 100%'d the Saints Row 3 missions, this beta could soak up a lot of my time...
Wednesday, 23 November 2011
three60speech: deal of the weekend
The Forza 3 Ultimate Collection is the largest Forza entry yet: comprising 500 premium cars with fully modeled cockpits; each completely customizable via upgrades and through Forza’s groundbreaking in-game paint and decal system. Ultimate Collection will also feature all cars and tracks found in the previously released Forza 3 Add-on Packs including:
Motorsports Legends Pack
October Track Pack (Benchmark and Sidewinder tracks)
Hot Holidays Pack
Autoweek Car Show Pack
Nürburgring Grand Prix Circuit Track pack
Jalopnik Car Pack
Road & Track Car Pack
Exotic Car Pack
Summer Velocity Pack
World Class Car Pack
Forza Motorsport 3 Ultimate Collection will also include seven new car models, including:
Lancia 037 Stradale
Jaguar D-Type
Plymouth Cuda
Audi R8 5.2 FSI Quattro
Audi TT RS Coupe
Audi R15 TDI
Porsche 550A Spyder
The world’s best automobiles combine with some of racing’s most famous circuits in Forza 3 Ultimate Collection; the game will have more than 100 track layouts to race on, including Laguna Seca, Tsukuba, Road America, as well as endurance tracks like Le Mans de la Sarthe and the Nürburgring Nordschleife.
It's going to take me ages to download ALL that content, nice to see it's not a code redeem job either (except TopGear theme). I loaded the game up and got a bunch of messsages from Turn 10, i clicked the links and it took me to the Store and a whole list of stuff to grab all for nada.
Best part is i have now got my PS2 Logitech Rally wheel running on the Xbox360 along with the pedals working, had a bit of a problem with that a while back, as i found the correct set-up in the Forza Options menu, why they can't has a straight button customisation option in this day and age i'll never know, but the pedals are 'A' and 'X' buttons using the converter. I turned the wheel sensitivity up to max and it's all good.
Had to be careful though in Blockbuster as the Ultimate Collection was mixed in and priced up with the normal versions.
Saturday, 19 November 2011
Saints Row The Third: Playing It My Way
If you are not worried about your Trophy collection then the cheats list i posted opens up a whole new world of possibilities, i have two save files on the go now, one for straight playing, the other for balls out daft. I finished off the night driving around a zombie infested Steelport in a tank with 3 hotties in a purple scoutcar in tow sporting uzis, this had the side effect so that when you get a phonecall for a gang side mission (horde mode type gameplay) the zombies started attacking the other gang too and all shit would break lose.
talking of 'Whored Mode' this is a nice solid addition entered from the main menu, i wouldn't play it with the kids mr jimmy! ;) i gave it a go and got to wave 6 first attempt.
Haven't played any co-op yet as i'm waiting for more news on the fact PS3 owners will be able to download Saints Row 2 next week sometime until Feb when they redeem their in box code.
Initially the game feels different to SR2, the customisation is not as in-depth but that does not matter much, not as in the character so much as the fact there are only a couple of store outlets to buy new stuff from, and most of it seems to have been in the free Initiation Station downloaded from the PSN Store. There seems to be less vehicle types too. You can buy up shops, and buildings to gain an hourly income, this will come in handy to keep you in bullets and up grading your weapons.. an incendary round duel weilding uzi set-up anyone?
Early days yet but it looks like The Saints are on a mission, where that mission will lead who knows. But i'm pretty sure i'm gonna have a damn good laugh finding out.
Friday, 18 November 2011
Saints Row The Third - day one verdict
I've had a couple of hours, and it's really really good.
One thing I expect in a modern game is a clear and responsive user interface, not just the menus but extending to the way cut scenes work. SR3 does not need the cut scenes skipped to get in the action, as the mission details are explained while you play. When you fail/complete a mission, the screens look great and are quick and get the point across in a satisfying manner. They really worked on this 'keep the player having fun' factor and IT DOES IT BETTER THAN ANY OTHER GAME I'VE PLAYED.
Sandbox is an overused word, as rarely do you feel you can go anywhere and do anything. Grand Theft Auto started it then lost the plot somewhat, Saints Row plagiarised so much, but here they've improved on the format in almost every respect. I kid you not. For example:
- Talk about straight into the action. No spoiler, but a top first mission in seconds of starting!
- Guns are fun, accurate, vary well, zoom works well, ammo is no tighter than necessary but not free etc.
- Stealing cars has a wide variety of animations and outcomes, right up to immediate steals by jumping through windscreens etc.
- After 2-3 missions and a couple of sides I was genuinely spoilt for choice - a round of Genki (OMG that is amazing - a murdering game show against the clock though fire traps etc - very 'Running Man'), assassinations, drug running, gang killing events - all without needing to drive for 5 minutes to get there. Great map, great smartphone system for finding/selecting everything - wonderful.
- Cars handle even better than before, fast, easy yet mental too. Hazah!
- Good story line so far, no sign of letting up.
- I don't like the hair customisations, a few more would have been good. I wanted to recreate my SR2 character and I can't get very close at all.
- I can't play a game with a 4 foot long dildo weapon with my 11 year old daughter.
Wednesday, 16 November 2011
Skyrim Broken on PS3 (360 version fine!)
After Skyrim gamesave files surpass 5MB in the PS3 version, many claim to experience lag and stability issues. "Such as framerate issues, poor rendering, shoddy loading and non interactions fro finishing quests/cutting wood etc," wrote gamer PurpleHaze on the game's official forums.
"I can't finish ANY quest and i can't buy from ANY trader/npc and i can only talk to them after some laggy button pressing," continued PurpleHaze. So my gamesave is now 6mb (how i don't know since i couldn't buy/sell/talk or complete quests) and the LAG and framerate issue is so bad at this point, the game isn't worh restarting."
PurpleHaze, whose issues started after hitting 5.3MB, isn't alone, with other players experiencing similar slowdown once their save files pass the neighborhood of 5MB~6MB (some are reporting problems after reaching 10MB).
"My file size is growing constantly, and fast," wrote player AMG on the game's forums. "It's already well over 3mb in size and I've only played for 3hrs."
The current fix is to restart the system, which makes Skyrim playable. However, after an hour or two of play, the game once again apparently becomes laggy.
This issue does not seem to affect the Xbox 360 version nor the PC version. Even gamers with plenty of available PS3 hard drive space are having problems.
"It does not take long for the save file to exceed 6MB, roughly 16 hours for me, so playing the game in any sort of depth will become very troublesome," wrote Kotaku reader Toby.
Players are calling the PS3 version "broken".
Bethesda, Skyrim's developer, is no stranger to PS3 game issues. The PlayStation 3 version of Bethesda's Fallout 3 also suffered a whole host of PS3 problems, including this.
When The Saints Go Marching In
see you all in Steelport biatches! Adios. it's been a blast.
Thursday, 3 November 2011
Tuesday, 1 November 2011
Friday, 28 October 2011
I've put my code in...
OK, Battlefield 3 (PS3) is a great game - I've only spent an hour or two on campaign mode and a few goes on multi-player, so far extremely happy with game and the Frostbite 2 engine - this looks amazing and plays a treat...
But EA WTF is this obsession with ramming your other services down my neck, in such a blatant capitalist exploit the consumer manner? Here's the thing:
- As expected, you can't play online until you enter the 'online pass' code included in the box. This lowers your resell value, as second users have to buy an online pass from the PSN Store for a few quid. Actually I understand and support this, as the gaming industry makes zero out of second hand title whilst expected to maintain servers etc. however:
- The online pass is in the PSN Store for £7.99, that's pretty damn high. The box proudly displays "WINNER OF BEST ONLINE MULTIPLAYER", yet the paragraph explaining the need for the online pass is in letters just 1mm high -talk about small print! Sony's PSN Pass idea sounds pretty good to me now, a nice clear recognisable branded logo making it clear to preowned purchasers what they are and are not getting. Rental companies need to be on the ball to inform their customers about this stuff, I bet they are not there yet.
- I ordered the 'Physical Warfare Pack' which was the same price from Gamestation as the standard, giveing a few unlocks. The code for this needs to be entered in the PS3 Account Management, despite the online pass code being unlockable in the game. So I had to quit out, do the thing and reload. It's not clear if I have the items as the multiplayer screens still confuse me - if they confuse me, they'll confuse a lot of people - I've played games before you know.
- The Battlelog needs you to register on the Origin wesite. I did this for the beta, but nothing carried over. This is quite a nice feature, but why are these privacy settings open by default - people can find me by email, facebook etc. cmon guys this is 2011, lock down and give options to open, everyone knows that. It's another username and password to remember.
- In the box there is another leaflet "YOU'RE READY TO UNLOCK THE M1911 PISTOL FOR MULTIPLAYER!". I am? For this I had to reuse the Origin login on the EA Gunclub website (good job I wrote the password down) and here I'm presented with a site similar to Origin, but different and a bit crap. Why am I here? None of my friends are. This is weird, why not do all this on Origin? Again, I don't know if I've succeeded in unlocking this gun either.
- Ah, Origin. EA want to make money by doing their own version of Steam, denying Steam there titles and luring others over to the dark side (I believe Saints Row 3 PC is coming to Origin). I don't run games on my PC, but now having used the Origin site to get my Battlelog running, it's asking to install a Battlefield Browser plugin - which is now showing in my PC System Tray. What?
- and again! It wants to install Origin full client, I've gone for it to remove the annoying icon - now that's in the system tray too? Can I have my PC back now please?
Tuesday, 25 October 2011
you wait all day then three come along at once...
Thursday, 20 October 2011
I has a gamertag
Tuesday, 18 October 2011
Friday, 14 October 2011
Syndicate: New Gameplay Footage
Wednesday, 12 October 2011
Monday, 10 October 2011
DCU: Online Goes Free2Play
DC Universe Online on PlayStation 3 lets you assume extraordinary powers and become a hero or a villain in a high energy action title that delivers a fast-paced adventure experience. Beginning in late October 2011, you will be able to download and access DC Universe Online for free from PlayStation Store.
What does free-to-play mean?
Free-to-play means you can enjoy the exciting world of DC Universe Online at no cost. You can buy additional items or features that best fit your style of play, or even get premium access to game content by purchasing a subscription.
It's up to you how you want to play the game. Free-to-play also means you do not have to purchase the game; you simply download it directly from PlayStation Store and start.
If i had payed for this when it came out and been paying a sub to play it i would be feeling rather pissed off at this news. But free i can deal with, should kill a couple of hours on a wet weekend at some point.
Thursday, 6 October 2011
Wednesday, 5 October 2011
Gran Turismo 5 Spec 2.0
Simplified interior views added to all standard cars.
User control of the weather change feature.
Settings sheet which allows you to save multiple car settings.
New Spec 2.0 opening movie.
Improved UI response and usability.
Replay forward/rewind.
Mid-race save feature for endurance races.
Expanded online lounge features (narrowing down car types, shuffle races…).
Expanded Photo Travel features (you can now take photos of cars together with your avatar).
Added “NASCAR Pit Scene” stage to Photo Travel.
Added 11 new 2011 NASCAR models.
Added the Nissan GT-R N24 Schulze Motorsport (the car in which Kazunori contested the 2011 Nurburgring 24 Hours).
Improved physics and artificial intelligence.
Support for the Logitech G25/G27 steering wheel.
Finally i can do the 24hr races and 100% the game. *happy bunny face*
status: Approved
Tuesday, 4 October 2011
Friday, 30 September 2011
Tuesday, 27 September 2011
Battlefield 3 comparation PC vs. Playstation3 Split Screen
Monday, 26 September 2011
Ashes to Ashes, Dust, to Dust.
like some mad hybrid between Lemmings and an old Molyneux game From Dust is a bit of a gem on the PSN. I downloaded the demo and after a play around got the full game, the premise is basic, get your little tribes people to make villages and get to the exit portal, but all the while you battle against the forces of nature, so far Tusmanis and Volcanos and Water. You have certain things you can do to progress your tribe by unlocking hidden knowledge, these come about by reforesting percentage of map etc. Once you have a nice stable map for your tribe you can get creative and build lagoons, mountains rivers and just chill out with it before deciding to advance to the next level. Spent a good few hours on Sunday evening playing with this title and enjoyed myself totally.
status: approved.
Thursday, 22 September 2011
Wednesday, 21 September 2011
Clans and Forums and stuff
Friday, 16 September 2011
Sunday, 11 September 2011
Uncharted 3 Sand Art
Thursday, 8 September 2011
Monday, 5 September 2011
Dragon Quest X Footage
Now we will finally have a reason to buy a Wii (also for WiiU). I know you probably haven't touched a DQ game, the last PS one was way back on the PS2, but DQIX on the NDS was a work of wonderfulness, the localisation team did a top job and it had some genuinely LoL humour in it, plus character customisation was done properly, as in your on screen character actually changed items rather than just numbers on a stat' page. My only concern is that this game is being handled by Squenix.. sad smiley face, but judging from the footage alone it looks true to the series. role on 2013 when we'll probably get it here. heh.
Sunday, 4 September 2011
zomb nom nom
Wednesday, 31 August 2011
Tuesday, 30 August 2011
Thursday, 25 August 2011
Just bleeding perfect, happy hours ahead
Friday, 19 August 2011
Tuesday, 16 August 2011
Battlefield 3 owns the world in 2 mins
Monday, 15 August 2011
Friday, 12 August 2011
The AGM Could Have Gone Better
Y'know, i wonder when we send the first colonists to Mars? what, you haven't played the Red Faction Series.. the connections are rather amusing between these two games. This universe has some messed up canon.
Thursday, 11 August 2011
Warhammer 40,000: Kill Team
A nifty twin stick shooter that should stave off the itch until the full Warhammer game comes out. Though technically that class of Space Marine shouldn't be able to run.. [/pedant]
In other news, Team Threespeech Motorsports Division, yes, you mean you didn't know we had one? ;) Well The 24hr Le Mans race started this morning at 8am and i kicked the team out of bed to get the car up and running. A nice silver arrow in the form of the Sauber Mercedes C9 (standard) running RM front RH rear and a notch up on the braking. After 6 laps the team has nudged into first place and is doing a sterling job holding off the Pescarolos and Audi R8 Race cars that make up the next 5 places. Early days but i think we're in with a good chance of winning.

Tuesday, 9 August 2011
Monday, 8 August 2011
New BBC iPlayer on PS3 live now
Saturday, 30 July 2011
Friday, 29 July 2011
Shooter with strategic elements - pretty damn confident we've cracked it
Wednesday, 27 July 2011
Tuesday, 26 July 2011
L.A. Noire
Cole Phelps.. a man lacking in any sort of personality, which wouldn't be so bad if you could craft him in your own image, but no, he's about as interesting as a wet rag and plays it all by the book. You will investigate the crimes with him and that's it. Despite being a Rockstar game you can't even get your gun out and relieve the bordom by offing a few citizens in a rage fueled killing spree..
The other major failing is the fact you can't fail the game, hell, i completed cases getting only 1 of the questions right and finding half the clues. I keep getting the feeling that i'm only going through the motions, go here, ask a few questions, drive there look at some stuff, repeat until case solved, it's not hard. i never once so far have felt that i am in control of the game and i'm only jabbing a few buttons to advance the storyline.
Somewhat like i felt playing Heavy Rain...
Rockstar have been making progressively worse games lately, it started with GTAIV only to be redeemed by The Lost And Damned DLC, Red Dead and the worms had started eating their way in, and now here we are at LA Noire wandering around an authentic 1940's box wondering if there is actually something, anything to do. Pretty graphics do not a good game make.
Thursday, 14 July 2011
Wednesday, 13 July 2011
Tuesday, 5 July 2011
Friday, 1 July 2011
Anyone using Steam?
As you know probably, Portal 2 comes with a free licence for the PC version on Steam. I've always kept PCs for work and consoles for play, but with a less techy role these days I'm more inclined to play on my pretty Sony Vaio, which has a fair stab at running Portal 2 if you switch off the fancy rendering.
Monday, 27 June 2011
Thursday, 16 June 2011
Burnout, OutLand
Two games are subject of the day, first up:
Tuesday, 14 June 2011
Winnitron Indie Game Arcade Network: "Arcade Graveyard" from Kert Gartner on Vimeo.
Want to create a Winnitron Indie Game Arcade Machine in your city? Get involved today!
Visit & forums to find out how you can grow the indie game community in your city!
This video was shot at Allied Coin, the larger of the "Arcade Graveyards" in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. For more information about this hidden gem, and more information on using the Panasonic GH2 for Visual Effects work, check out this "behind the scenes" blog post here
Music by Jim Guthrie
More Photos from the Arcade Graveyard can be found here flickr stream
Monday, 13 June 2011
LA Noire: Epic MEH!
On the other hand, i finished playing through BRiNK as le resistance yesterday evening, am currently at Lv11 and perking my Soldier/Engineer classes. I get the feeling this is a bit of a marmite game, but i really like it. I knew that when i kept getting shafted on one particular level, respawning back in and getting made dead again and spawning again wanting revenge! You don't really need to swop over classes during a level as your objective wheel will spit out stuff for your character to aim for. The game has a metric ton of replay value as you're always after that elusive 3 star rating and XP, perks are bought with combat coins and can be resold if you mess up your skill trees to remap them. The gameplay is run and gun and the bastards soak up bullets like Helghast on hardcore mode, mind that could have been due to others wearing kevlar, but you can equip armour piercing rounds -heheh- Any level can be played in freemode with your own settings, there are challenge levels to unlock weapon customisation gear, XPs earned unlock character customisation stuff. Also worth a mention is the buffs you can give others in your team, this encourages close teamwork as you can hand out ammo, damage perks, medi packs etc. Overall, if you liked the objective play in QuakeWars etc, i think you'll love the tight gameplay in BRiNK.
Friday, 10 June 2011
Tuesday, 7 June 2011
E3 overload
Thursday, 2 June 2011
Store is up, but not
The Playstation Store is up, but very hard to get anything out of it, lots of timeout errors. Probably due to half term keenness?
Posting from Blogger app on Android
Wednesday, 1 June 2011
Killzone 3 double XP this weekend
I only had a couple of hours last double XP weekend, but it made a massive difference, partly because it was really easy to get matched to a good game where I could be awesome...
Tuesday, 24 May 2011
Was The Rapture Good For You?

Monday, 16 May 2011
Sunday, 15 May 2011
Breast Physics
Kazuo Hirai also said something about PSN being back up, so best we update our firmwares, change our passwords and walk back into the abyss that is online gaming. Our time spend here in the realms of the fleshy mortals has come to an end, we must return to our digital forms, pick up our chainguns, call in a nuke strike, turn the router back on and say goodbye to DIY sundays, walks by the river, moonlite drinks in the countryside, meals out and going to art shows.
Reality, over-rated if you ask me :)
but seriously, it was nice to have the chance to go back to pre 2007 life. Maybe now we can have a better game/life balance. Anyway, the missus is in bed and i'm supposed to be making breakfast...
Saturday, 14 May 2011
It's real - loads on Starhawk
- "Starhawk is the spiritual successor to Warhawk". It's looks to have kept all the good about Warhawk, thrown away the entire (lack of) back story and given us a lot of new direction, including:
- Build and Battle - the map is a canvas, a fast, visceral system lets the player drop buildings on the map where they want them. Warhawk was unique in it's frantic yet strategic freedom, this is not lost on LightBox, they've multiplied up the map variety in a truely unique manner - incredible.
- PS3 exclusive, build by a passionate studio of gamers. All bodes well for a true landmark game.
- A single player campaign as well as the multiplayer gem we hunger for - bonus!
- A built-in calendar for scheduling games with clans, friends etc. It's about time someone thought of this. I really appreciated the Warhawk style game listing, I hope they keep a version of this as well (you could join a popular server rotating maps/modes to suit, or have a custom private game, dive in on something/someone who looks good, or host a game of your choice if you have the bandwidth). The auto matchmaking of most console games is so dull.
- The Hawks RULE. Check the videos. Oh, the jeeps look tight too, plus there is a promise of a tank equivalent. No news on dropships, jetpacks, APCs etc, but we can all see there will be plenty of exciting choice, all nicely balanced.
- The weapons system from Warhawk (d-pad selection of 8/more choices) is in place, as is weapon pickup spawn points on the map. This worked before and will again, ace.
- "sometime in 2012"
Wednesday, 11 May 2011
Dont Stop Believing (in PSN)
For my own little Haruhi Suzumiya.. ;) There's more to life than being online.
Saturday, 7 May 2011
What did you get done?
- Completed: Dead Nation on Grim
- Completed: Portal 2 Single Player
- 30% done: painting the house (mock tutor i.e. black wood white plaster)
- Started: bit of gardening
- Done: fitted a water butt in the garden (it's fun sawing chunks out of drainpipes)
- Done: awesome and massive joint kids/wife birthday party
- Completed: tidied the legendary attic room, now usable again
- Completed: sorted out the garage (can now find all my tools again)
- Done: Got the old Amiga 500 up and running (damn games take a long time to load)
- Done: got the Amiga MIDI sequencer and Casio FZ1 sampler out to play some old beats
- 70% done: set up some modern audio software to make some new beats
- Started: mission 'fight the flab'. OK stopped again, but started!
Tuesday, 3 May 2011
Monday, 2 May 2011
The Move vs Kinect Review
Thursday, 28 April 2011
The Sony Song - Portal Parody
Wednesday, 27 April 2011
Yes, it does do telly, weary Sony tells UK
ELECTRONICS giant Sony has grudgingly responded to the British public's single question about its sophisticated new tablet computer.
Sony's highly advanced new S1 machine uses Google's Android 3.0 operating system alongside impressive technical specifications including state-of-the-art core technology that allows it to decode 1080p h264 content.
But the corporation held a special UK press conference last night to confirm the only attribute of the device that really matters to the British people.
A spokesman said: “In response to the thousands of emails, letters and burger wrappers with crayon writing on them that we have received from the United Kingdom, I am forced to confirm that this cutting-edge machine, which was years in development with some of the finest minds our industry has ever seen, does do telly.
"For clarity's sake, this includes the dancing. And the skating.
"And, yes, also the boobies.
"Now if you'll excuse me, I just have to go and kill myself.”
British citizen Tom Logan said: “I think he say it do telly. But me not sure. He say other long words too, make head hurt.
"Do not get me wrong. Me want thing. It shiny. But what if me buy then it no do telly?
"Then me angry, smash shop with stick.”
UK-based technology journalist Emma Bradford said: “It's terribly depressing that whenever a potentially revolutionary piece of technology hits the market, we as a nation simply grunt, 'do it do telly'?
"The question we should be asking is 'do it do telly better than other thing?'.
posted by Mobiletone and the ever sexy FuzzBox from a vast floating bastard huge boat off the coast of Cuba having fleeced $2 from every PSN account and channelled it into an offshore bank account. Codename: Rebug has turned out to be an absolute success netting around £100,000,000 UKP. I love it when a plan comes together. ;)
Tuesday, 19 April 2011
So Bad It's Practically Great
Tuesday, 12 April 2011
sorry about that lack of updates
Thursday, 7 April 2011
Tuesday, 5 April 2011
The only sports title (without cars) that I've ever loved...
Friday, 1 April 2011
Wednesday, 30 March 2011
Saturday, 26 March 2011
It Must Be Summer - Aussie F1 Qualifying
Sitting here at daft o'clock watching the qualifying, Lotus bombed out, ugh! But hey watching F1 is like playing GT5 no? As you probably know i got my 42" 3D LG yesterday and am really chuffed with it, that size seems to be the perfect size for my room set-up. The picture when you give it an HD feed just excels. very impressed. Took me a while of fiddling to suss out all the settings and program in some picture modes.
Good points about TV, beautiful picture quality, no sign of input lag, pretty good sound from 'invisible' speakers, the boot up light on the face panel (am easily pleased) and it's tiny thin! about 30mm, handles 3D wonderfully.
Bad points, no headphone socket, doesn't do 2D to 3D conversion despite being told it did. you can run side by side etc 3D video files off a flash drive though, downloaded a few to test it last night. can load 3d photos that way too.
Gaming: OK, i tried KZ3 and it does look good running in 3D despite some middle ground ghosting which is down to the game not the TV, but after a bit you don't notice it much, i was looking for niggles while playing the demo. The gun looks nice and solid and feels right when you sight aim, the hud sits on what would be the front of the screen and teh action takes place 'in' the screen mostly.
GT5: Still fiddling with the settings but i think i have depth set to 6 and convergence at .17 or something, The in-car view looks right and it felt like a could reach out and adjust the air vents in the dash :) some ghosting on gloves. bumper cam with the analogue dials is impressive as the dials seem to float, bonnet/roof cam, the one i use a lot thanks to standard cars shows off the depth on the track, noticed some ghosting on the white track lines at times, nothing to worry about.
Motorstorm 3D demos: tried these out earlier in the day, the TV handled all the fast motion a treat, just gave the whole thing a more solid feeling, dirt and stuff comes out of the screen behind your vehicle, nice.
Movies: only tried it with Piranha so far, will be renting a couple out later today, good clean picture and 3d effect, nothing to quibble about.
giving Ridge Racer 7 a go later as that got a 3D patch some time back.
PS3 3D set up is as easy as checking automatic in the display options and setting your screen size. not sure how telling it your screen is bigger or smaller than it actually is will effect 3D, may fiddle with that later too. Ghosting only seems to show it's head when you get areas of white near a dark colour but this is due to the tech rather than anything else and is pretty much unavoidable.
Dont forget to adjust your clock tomorrow.
Friday, 25 March 2011
3DS Launch Day
Not got yourself a M3i Zero and want to know just what they do, then hit up the cards page [here] item shipped next day from our converted Umbrella Corporation oil tanker floating just off the south coast of England.
now back to our scheduled programming....
Thursday, 24 March 2011
Wednesday, 23 March 2011
Science less than a decade away from fully operational printer
SCIENTISTS will soon develop a home copying machine that is not an absolute pain in the arse, it has been claimed.
Professor Henry Brubaker said: "If printer design continues to advance at the current rate, it's likely we'll see a machine that isn't fundamentally incompatible with plain white A4 paper by the year 2021.
"Then we're just a few years away from something that isn't a shit-sucking bastard fucker with the sheer brass balls to describe itself as a printer."
He added: "One leading manufacturer already has a prototype machine, the MasterPrint500, that can successfully print documents of up to 12 pages only 11 of which look like they've been vomited by a child.
"You should see it. Paper goes in plain, paper comes out printed, with only slightly less than 9% reliability. It only needs to become a bit more than 11 times as good and that's us totally sorted for printing."
Stephen Malley, managing director of MasterPrint, said: "It will even accept normal non-printer paper that hasn't been through the special printerisation process that makes it printerified.
"And instead of having its 'drivers' on multiple CDs that disappear into the realm of fairies two hours after you first open the box, you can just plug the thing into a computer and it works."
He said: "Of course, one week after this printer is released we will discontinue its ink cartridges.
"No-one will know why."