Monday, 27 June 2011

Saints Row: The 3rd In game footage


  1. this looks hilarious, I've missed the first two and will go straight for this one.

  2. i did wonder where they would take The Saints after they took down the Ultor Corp', to quote the last line of dialogue from SR:2 'this is our city. we can do whatever the fuck we want'

    liking the look of the new game engine too.

  3. yep it does look good, the distance detail is nice, fire/smoke/explosions all tidy too.

  4. Holy shit the fighter jet! This game looks a lot more fun than GTA!

  5. @ reakt - I actually thought the story in SR2 was better than GTAIV too. As a dicking around sim though it beats GTAIV hands down. I'm guessing from the beatings the character is handing out he has swopped his move set to the Lucha gang's, that's another nice feature, you can customise your gang members attributes too.

    R* have gotten way to serious lately.

    sorry to hear about you getting laid off, just look forwards to the pay-off cheque hey.

  6. @tone - thanks - I'll be OK. Hopefully it'll give me a chance to go somewhere I will actually enjoy working!
