Saturday, 14 January 2012

Without Purity, We Are Lost

Kelvin Amos

Hi all (well, all I could recall being on Facebook - probs forgot someone)

Sorry I've been so silent on the Gamer DNA front; incredibly busy times at Crowd DNA.

As you may have already guessed the Gamer DNA forum/research tool hasn't been as successful as we'd have hoped. Actually that's a little inaccurate... in terms of creating a community and generating interest, it was a success; in terms of generating income and being profitable, less so...

Annoyingly, following our strategy meet for 2012, we've had to admit defeat and pull the plug. This means the forum will be switched off after this weekend.

It's a real shame as I genuinely thought we were on to something, but having met various games industry bods over the years and completed a few projects with them, it's clear that the 'hardcore' gaming market is something they feel they've got a relatively clear handle on.

In our experience, the mainstream market (or casual gamer) is where they're interested, and maintaining our own in-house community built around that concept doesn't really appeal.

So yeah, a real shame we couldn't make more of it but it wasn't for the lack of effort I can assure you!

We still have gaming projects on the horizon, including a community with PlayStation we're looking to (hopefully) build so be good to stay in touch and perhaps we can work together.

If you've got any questions then I'm more than happy to chat it over in here. It would be great if one of you chaps could carry on a similar community?? Again, happy to help advise if this is something you feel you can get working!

Cheers all, hope you understand.



  1. This has set me up nicely for a game of Halo Wars this afternoon.

  2. It was still running? Hadn't logged in for ages - I thought it was just a short term experiment.

  3. Was a bit of a missed opportunity, a useful middle ground between internal testing and Sony/MS run 'private betas' which are always wide open to abuse - Gamer DNA made a lot of sense to me. Killed by too much red tape?
    We are here if you need us Kelvin.

  4. มีเธอข้างฉัน
