In a rather un-spectacular display of confidence David Reeves, Sony Computer Entertainment Europe's exiting CEO, has said that the PS3 will be top of the console pile... by 2014.
"I don't think it will be next year, but in three to five years it will become dominant on the market", Reeves said.
But wait, there's more. Confusingly, Reeves went on, "The legacy will be that people will see a tortoise and hare situation. In a way, in the end it will be a dead heat. People will say PS3 took a while to get going but it really caught up very quickly and confounded many of the critics from the first year", he said.
So... the PS3 will be dominant, but it will be a dead heat. The PS3 will be dominant in a dead heat? Maybe Reeves is just tired after his 14 years at Sony. Today's his last day, with marketing vet Andrew House to take over tomorrow.
Don't let the door hit your arse on the way out David.