Wednesday, 22 April 2009

retrotasic is green

TANK tops, everyday racial abuse and Larry Grayson could all help tackle climate change, according to a report urging a return to 1970s lifestyles.

New research by the Institute for Studies shows the adoption of low aspirations and cheap foreign stereotypes could give Britain a carbon footprint not seen since 1976.

Professor Henry Brubaker said: "A PS3 consumes enough fossil fuel in one hour to keep a game of Simon going for 15 days, by which point we think it would sound like Rick Wakeman having a stroke.


/// i dont know about you but my first hand held amusement.. well, the other handheld i had as a kid was at the uber cutting edge of technology and was the Merlin, the Binatone TV Master MK 6 console never got a look in after that. i could weep thinking what Mk1 through Mk5 were like!

in other news, i finally got round to picking up a copy of Far Cry 2 today, ex-rental it may have been but at £14 it was at the right price, i am more interested in the game engine and level designer if i am totally honest, but i'm sure the game itself is pretty cool too. if that's not recession busting shopping i don't know what is. i did ask about FUEL too while i was in there and the computer says 15th May! so i put a fiver down as a deposit and crossed my fingers, not that they'd ever change the release date, nooo, never happens in gaming that.



  1. A mate at school had a Sega Game Gear. That's the first handheld I ever played and California Games was awesome.

  2. dude, i had cali' games on my lynx back in the day.
    great game.

    did you get the invite for posting?

  3. I owned a Sege Game Gear. Sold it to a mother looking to buy her son a hand held, in its hey day. Loved Sonic on it. She had heard some hoohaa/kerfuffle about Mortal Kombat being violent. I showed it to her and she thought it was fine for her 7 year old. Mothers eh, you can't pick 'em.
