Thursday, 16 April 2009

Open The Box

well, seeing as the PS3 was 2yrs old a few weeks back, and it's been a year since i got that tattoo (still love it btw) i figured i'd drag the boxes off the shelf and have a look at just exactly what i own. i have 30 games in the box, that's not to say that's all the games i have owned, some were truly horrible, Baja: Edge of Reason springs to mind, and that awful horse racing/rpg thing G1 Jockey by Koei has been wiped from my memory. so, bad games get traded back in, might as well make a few quid. other games i've rented then bought, or decided against, more games i have grabbed from the Store (about 12 i guess), but they don't have boxes so don't count really. so here is the definitive list of what collects dust in my front room. (in no particular order)

Valkyria Chronicles / Fallout 3 / grand theft auto / Motorstorm: Pacific Rift / Killzone 2 / SEGA MDUC / Mirrors Edge / The Elder Scrolls IV / Ridge Racer 7 / MotorStorm / Blazing Angels / Colin McRae: DiRT / Midnight Club: LA / Gran Turismo Prologue / Skate / Assassins Creed / Guitar Hero III / Quake Wars / Call of Duty 4 / Heavenly Sword / Battlefield Bad Company GE / Saints Row 2 / Stranglehold / Little Big Planet / Army of TWO / Unreal Tournament III / PURE / GRiD / Resistance: Fall of Man / Mercenaries 2: World in Flames

not sure what that says about me as a gamer, but i tend not to think about that too much.
what's in your collection?


  1. I have MGS4, GTA 4, GT Prologue, Killzone 2, assasins creed, warhawk, the darkness, motorstorm, cod4, LBP, DMC4, Deadspace. But that isn't including any of my PSN games. I think my collection is half decent, just not amazing.

  2. I have (in the order in which they appear in my DVD rack!) Ratchet and Clank: Tools of Destruction, Motorstorm, Folklore, Call of Duty 4, Gran Turismo 5 Prologue, Resistance 2, Motorstorm Pacific Rift, GTA IV, Metal Gear Solid 4, Street Fighter IV, Buzz Quiz TV, Killzone 2, Little Big Planet, Burnout Paradise, Tomb Raider Underworld, Warhawk, Resistance : Fall of Man, Uncharted: Drake's Fortune, Ninja Gaiden Sigma. I have a few PSN games as well but I haven't bought any for a while.

  3. hi, yeah, it's weird to think i'm buying over 1 game a month on average since the PS3 came out, so i guess the 'it has no games' argument is well and truly scorched now. the last title i got was the MegaDrive collection, bloody hell some of those games are HARD! i like the old school collections, like Taito, Capcom etc, they're all little steps on the road to where we are in terms of gaming right now.

    nice to see you guys here *hands cookies*
