all i can say is THANK FUCKERY it's nothing like that mobile abortion of a free roaming buggies and trucks offroad PS2, sorry PS3! game Baja: Edge of Control, i bought that because in my foolishness i thought that just maybe the previews of it were maybe a little harsh.. ok, IF it was released on the PS2 i could have forgiven it, who buys those games and keep them? i bet it's the same spotty little shits that keep those horrible horrible ATV vs gaming sensibility games titles turning up every year. since the wonderful PURE and now FUEL they are seriously going to have to rethink what they do, or not and we'll still keep on getting the ATV series hiding on the shops shelving fooling gullible children and clueless parents into buying them because it looked like a good game on the box! someone give THQ a slap with a wet fish for me will you.. please..
thanks [racermako] for posting this footage up for us.
and Ben "Yahtzee" Croshaw for this weeks midweek review Zero Punctuation: Velvet Assassin
V. nice!
ReplyDeletecome in mOTORsTORM, your time is up :D
ReplyDeleteah yes, Motorstorm. I loved the first one but just couldn't get into the second game. I should give it another go sometime. I have to admit that Fuel does look better though.
ReplyDeleteindeed, i loved the first one, Pacific Rift though was.. alright i guess, don't know why they changed the online lobby system, didn't like the new one at all, and the split screen.. have you tried 4 player split screen on a 32" set!? utterly pointless, you have to sit so close to the screen to actually see anything. apart from that it just felt like a mappack than a proper new game.
ReplyDeletedefinately prefer racing in Monument Valley.
I think what was most disappointing about the Pacific Ridge game is the fact that it didn't live up to what I'd seen in the trailer! That's one of the best trailers I've ever seen (along with the ones for WipeOut HD).