Wednesday, 27 May 2009

Gaming Research Anyone?

for those that might be interested in helping the old team out -

Hi all,

Just thought we’d drop you a quick note to say that we’re doing some in-house research on gaming here at Crowd DNA, and were wondering if any of you might be interested in taking part. Drop me an email if you are.

Have been lurking on the new ThreeSpeech as well, good work!

James McLintock | Account Manager/Business Development Manager

Telephone: +44 (0)207 749 5392 | Website:
Crowd DNA, Fourth Floor, Biscuit Building, Redchurch Street, London E2 7DD


  1. I've duly emailed James, be interesting to see what they are up to

  2. me too. nice to see them lurking on the U3S too *waves at lurkers* maybe they are just keeping an eye on us :P

    i figure we all owe James and Crowd for all they have provided us with over the years.

  3. Cool, after year of hanging out on his blog, now he's lurking on ours!
