Wednesday, 22 July 2009

But it's like that, it's just the way it is!!

203:08:13 hrs* of playing Fallout 3 needs a sexy party tiem!

thanks go to [Cody Muskwa] and the rest of the team for the video.

[edit] *works out to an average of 5hrs a week since the game launched


  1. @tone

    congrats on 200hrs mate. That is quite a milestone. I don't think I've ever spent that long playing one game in the last few generations of consoles.

    Probably have to go back to sensible soccer or super mario world for that.

  2. the best bit was i had just wandered out of the Regulators HQ after handing in my latest batch of dismembered fingers thinking i must have hit the 200hrs mark by now, when i heard what sounded like a rocket, i look up and streaking across the sky was a UFO in flames heading right to where i was standing, i run and duck and it slams into the flyover where a truck and some cars were parked and the whole lot explodes raining alien powercells down on me.

    and people wonder why i like this game so much :)

    still got about 1/3 of the locations on the map left to explore yet. good times mate, good times.

    i've hit 100hrs in a few games lately, but FO3 just kills them all. next stop the 300hr mark! :D

  3. Must be a good game if you've played it for that long! I have 500 hours in Warhawk but don't normally play a game for that long.

    I'd hate to think how much time I spent playing Street Fighter 2 and Mario Kart on SNES whilst at University when I should have been studying!

  4. 500hrs in Warhawk!! that's dedication right there.
    hats off to you mate.

  5. The top guy in Warhawk has 5185 hours - 199 hours per week on average since the game launched in May 2007. That's more time than I've spent at work!

  6. how, there's only 168hrs in a week? don't you mean a month? :D

    i only crack out 150hrs of work a month, that's enough for anyone. i 'downsized' (that's putting it nicely) about 6yrs ago and am much much happier doing what i do now.

  7. have taken a break from the Wastelands now for a while (until the DLC arrives) and got stuck into Ratchet&Clank ToD last night, picked that and Golden Axe up after work for £15 the pair.

    R&C actually had me LOL at some points.

  8. oh yes, sorry - per month! Still a lot though!
