Saturday, 4 July 2009

Not Bioshock 2 Concept Art


/// Here we have Big/Little Sister from the upcoming Bioshock 2 game lovingly recreated in this limited edition collectible piece of art.. ah shit, who am i kidding, it probably took me longer to make than it should have but i think it's kinda kick arse.

What about all those game characters that don't go on to be evil bosses or comedy sidekicks or heros saving the world from certain doom (again), the ones who failed the entrance exam to the latest game and had to go off and do all the mundain stuff that we poor pathetic humans had to do. What if Chunners has to serve fast food at McBurgers, or MGSs Snake could only get a job as a keeper down the local recreation park? What would our lives be without all these brilliant characters and stunning stories and plots that fill our mundain world with so much light and joy?

What would we do if we couldn't game ever again?



  1. Tone that's actually quite disturbing! (sorry :))

  2. everybody poops, i'm sure big/little sister has to go sometime...

    i think maybe the heat finally got to me :)

    this pic took about 12 layers,a handful of effects and a good portion of hacking and pasting and airbrush work to create. still not quite right but i'll let it slide.

    at least shes still wearing her pants -hehe-

    but it's like she went to Rapture after leaving and growing up in our world and when she went to return she couldn't get back in and has now to spend the rest of her life in our world. what would she do? Same as the rest of us, poop, play games, go to work. ah, the mundainity of reality. This is my version basically of that shot of sis standing on the beach gazing towards the sunset.

    think i'll catch up on some Saints Row 2 this afternoon.

  3. @ reakt - i've just sent that pic' to 2Kgames :D

  4. That's fucking kick ass! Add me on XBL. GT is JoeyDemon138. I'm reviews editor at a gaming website so maybe we can talk about giving you full recognition in a BioShock 2 fan picture article.

    Best way to keep in touch is with my gamer tag or by e-mail. keep up the remarkable work!

  5. @ Joey - nice site man, i'll drop you a line later.

  6. It looked better when it was Sarah Silverman.
