Friday, 3 July 2009

Thou Shall Take the Blame!

Most gamers do not always think about other players, especially if they are only doing campaigns or single player games. But have you ever watched another gamer play? Maybe had a teammate who wasn’t pulling their weight (not just one game, but repeatedly)? I was watching some people play on a kiosk at Best Buy, when they messed up. It wasn’t a small mess up, like missed one note or only got one of the coins instead of two. It was a HUGE mess up. Their reaction was “Stupid controller, doesn’t work correctly.” Then they angrily walked away.

[LadyLuck] from the ever sexy and talented GameGirl blogsite


  1. Maybe they were put off by having somebody watching them play :p Or that might be another excuse for them to use for the appalling effort!

    Welcome to the blog. I had a look at your blog too. I like how all the posters have little pictures of themselves at the top of each article they write. Hey, maybe Tone could hook us up with that here on UTS :) Hmmmm... actually on second thoughts...

  2. @reakt

    Would you seriously want to inflict pictures of us onto the internetz?

    I bet (nay hope) Mr Jimmy is still rockin the 80s b-boy look.
