Friday, 20 November 2009

Assassin's Creed 2 Reviewed


  1. What can I say - the pretty graphics, look pretty _graphic_.
    Will defo have to give this one a try. I'll be looking for a new adventury-type game now that I got Uncharted 2 crushing level finished. Don't worry though Drake, I'll never forget you! Hahah, actually I have a few things left to do in order to get that platinum trophy and I'm a sucker for all things shiny.

    Gawd, X-Factor is on downstairs and it's gone from bad to worse. If only we had more than one TV in the house!

  2. wanna play wanna play >.<

    Still haven't got borderlands
    Modern Warfare 2
    Crack in Time


  3. @JS - me neither on all three, tempted by MW2 but if I get it little time to play it :(

  4. been playing Borderlands with a mate online lately, made it to Lv40 yesterday, the second playthrough is hardcore. All the ememies are jacked up on crack or something and will tear you a new one given half a chance, plus there are more badass things with evil evil glowing blue eyes.

    *runs off to work*
