Monday, 2 November 2009

Fancy A Challenge?

A gamer from Kent has played himself into the record books Friday after speeding through the classic Sonic the Hedgehog game in the fastest recorded time ever.

James Richards, 21, completed the 'speed run' through the first level of the platform game in 22 seconds, a time confirmed as a record by Guinness World Records officials present at London's Golden Joystick Awards.

I've got the urge to dig that MegaDrive compilation out now..

also, is Mr Sketch breeding mutant game smashing clones of himself? :)

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  1. He'd be even quicker if he could hold a joypad the right way!

  2. maybe that's his secret record breaking technique. :)

    also:- "classic Sonic the Hedgehog game" with Tails!???

  3. How do i get the Crowd DNA near my name!!!!

    No clones sadly....just bastard offspring from the may demon wenches i seduced on my play through of dates inferno.

  4. how? bottom right corner of the main DNA page
    is the badge tool thingy.

  5. "A gamer from Kent has played himself into the record books Friday after speeding through..." this sentence so much that a word is missing between "books" & "Friday".



    (also a Crowd DNA Gamer Panel member)

  6. @fanpages: i could blog in my local dialect...

    A gamer from Ken' has played 'issalf into thur record books on Friday ar'er speedin' through thur classic Sonic thur Hedgehog gairm in thur fastes' recorded toime ever.

    James Richards, 21, completed thur 'speed run' through thur firs' level f thur platform gairm in 22 seconds, a toime confirmed bairn uz a record by Guinness World Records officials presen' a' London's Golden Joystick Awards.

    I've go' thur oorge to dig tha MegaDrive compilation ou' now..

    think yourself lucky! ;P
