Sunday, 7 March 2010

Final Fantasy is for Porn

Been on a RPG tip this weekend after getting right into Star Ocean, saved a kitty called Mr Franklin last night who got lost in the forest. cute. The combat system, while looking mad as a bag of badgers is really quite easy to use to pull off impressive attacks with a little practice, and it's all real time too. hack hack hack dodge link combo dead. think i've put in around 10hrs or so to date. All the usual JRPG stuff is in there too, item creation, tactics fiddling, collecting usless stuff. Just a bit concerned as i have Just Cause 2 and Episodes From Liberty City arriving the end of this month, that's 2 sandboxers vs a JRPG, think i'm gonna be set up for gaming for a long time to come.



  1. FFXIII hit my shores (in engrish) on thursday as some of you may have seen... very slow beginning, expect to be bored but amazed by the pretty graphics and repeating the same battle strategies over and over and over...

    But then it all clicks...and isn't it wonderful!

    expect a write up soon and feel free to ask any qs

  2. so torn...360 or PS3.......

    360 version - can play it straight away

    PS3 version - need t wait til i've bought the new ps3...but it means no disk swapping

  3. don't get the gimped version John!

    Shame on you for even thinking it.

    consider yourself scorned!

  4. Half way through the 'last disk' on Star Ocean - the game really picks up in the final third. Most enjoyable!

    My team is pretty badass now but I'm surprised that I've had the willpower to try and finish this, given that I've got FF13 sat on the shelf.

    Soooo much JRPG goodness. Will be picking up Resonance of Fate soonish too. Honestly, you wait years for one decent JRPG, then 3 come out in a month!

  5. Resonance of Fate

    damn you March gaming releases, not enough £££s

  6. @tone

    finished Star Ocean yesterday. Plenty of post-game content though so will maybe spend a few more hours on it before I tackle FF13. Already kicked one optional boss' behind. 65 hours in total - but that includes over 50% of quests & shop orders & a smattering of grinding.

    Last part of the game is really good imo. One epic cutscene is pure space-opera-tastic. So much so that I had to go and watch some Macross straight after!

  7. *sadness*

    i've only just killed the boss on the crashed spaceship that was giving people stone leg syndrome...

    am forever getting lost thanks to that dire minimap.

    why does it not rotate, why, for the love of grud!?

    a big full screen map option would be nice too. for us locationally challenged types. not like there's ever much in the way of landmarks to focus on. not even a waypoint to head towards.

    the fighting kicks arse, but i feel i'm not getting the main quest, very vague i think as to what the heck i'm supposed to be doing most of the time, so i just end up wandering aimlessly about. killing stuff.

    shame really.

  8. yeah, the story only really gets good in the last part of the game when everything comes together. Until then it's fairly forgetful cliched drivel.

    By the way, have you heard Lymle's English dub?


  9. Lymle.. Lymle.. AUGH, the summoner, on another planet in any other game i would have shot her in the face by now :D grud she's annoying.

    But yeah, i have caved and downloaded a pdf full of the maps of this game. i fail. such an obvious option that would have improved the game no end for me, but now i have to play using my laptop too.
