Monday, 22 March 2010

The Move in Action, Sweet.


  1. Works great (arguably) in a studio illuminated by tens of 1000 Watt light bulbs... and probably works just as poorly as “EyePet” does in my front room after dusk.

    Now it makes sense why there is a light bulb on top of the two motion controllers; so the existing PlayStation Eye technology has a chance of locating them as a "Magic Card" is nothing more than an optical illusion from what we have experienced.

    Anybody care to bet if another "Alone in the Dark" is being developed with the handheld torch/flashlight 3-mote/Co-Motion/Nunchuck-Norris peripheral in mind?



  2. @fp - the Go-Motion aparently works better the darker it is and has trouble with light rooms and non descript minimal design. the exact opposite of the EyePet, still, can't see myself buying a magic wavey stick anytime soon, look how quick support for the Eye dropped off soon as Sony had cleared that shed full of them they had.

    and GT5 support for it, just how is that gonna work? i can understand holding it sideways and 'steering' but what about the throttle and brake? if that's why it was delayed i'd be mildly pissed to say the least.

  3. I'm still waiting for PSP rear view camera support in "Formula One Championship Edition" (2007) as I saw in the promotion videos for the PS3 at E3 in 2005... do you think I've missed the announcement about that being delayed again?

    It does make sense to think that Move will function better in dark environments but imagine the lawsuits when the stupid users trip over their IKEA coffee table, or punch their Bang & Crash & Wallop & Olu-oo-fsen Hi-Fi, or fatally injure their domestic pet when it tries to sneak out of the darkness to avoid the mad person with two glow sticks in his hands.

    Which will be out first? "Gran Turismo 5", or "Killzone 3"?

    We'll probably see another "WipEout 2 HD" by the next delay announcement for your pending racing genre title to accommodate the PS4 digital-only delivery channel.

    Saying that, if you can get out of your vehicle to play Move-fisticuffs with another driver that has run you into the gravel using then it may be worth the wait. Maybe.



  4. "Saying that, if you can get out of your vehicle to play Move-fisticuffs with another driver that has run you into the gravel using [insert]the same Move controllers whilst changing gear[/insert] then it may be worth the wait. Maybe."

    Stupid fingers. Something that I can wave infront of my screen to write messages containing the text I intended to type would be great, though.



  5. i'm still waiting on psp+ps3 gaming convergence too.

    they lied to us!

    GT5's head tracking works well with a 3 screen/ps3 set up -heh- yeah, maybe 'Move' will let you flip off other drivers as you pass :)

    ps: 'Move' is on the Gadget show in 10 minutes apparently.

  6. pps: they do a real-life vs CoD training camp thing too,

  7. I didn't tune-in until 8:30pm & didn't see the PlayStation Move feature (if it was aired) but I did see the "...Modern Warfare 2" simulation.

    Did they have anything promising to relay about the motion controllers?



  8. I didn't tune-in until 8:30pm & didn't see the PlayStation Move feature (if it was aired) but I did see the "...Modern Warfare 2" simulation.

    Did they have anything promising to relay about the motion controllers?



  9. I'm actually quite impressed with what I've seen from the 3-mote in this presentation. Maybe sce will win me over after all. It looks like it has a lot of potential with the whole augmented reality thing. I wonder what Nintendo have up their sleeves though? Surely they're not just sitting back and watching this thing evolve. They're working on the Wii HD or whatever it will be called.

  10. @ pages - no 'Move' on the show, seems the interwebs lied to me :) The Pit was a good feature, i do wonder how many times he had played it on his console vs how many times they let the real SAS bloke practice on the course though.

  11. agree with Reakt - now looking very exciting indeed!
