Tuesday, 22 February 2011

Killzone 3 tasty trailer - out on Friday people!

If you are undecided, does this clinch it?


  1. My copy was posted today. Really hoping it's here tomorrow, I'm working nights Thurs-Sun.

  2. all new game purchases are off for the next few weeks, maybe after that though.. am actually more hyped for Homefront than i am KillDuty3. maybe i should replay KZ2 and see if that helps, or just make me more pissy over the controls change..

    Trailer looks damn good though.

  3. I'm so hyped for this despite the needless COD-ifying of the game I experienced in the beta. War has never looked so good.. I can only hope Rico dies a horrible death at some point in the SP for the pain of dragging his pottymouth around KZ2

  4. Rico has shown definite improvement if the demo was anything to go by. i still had the urge to headshot him when i first saw he was back in the game though.

    it'll take a long time for me to forgive him over that last palace level in KZ2, useless PoS.

  5. Actually I've just been watching the GF replaying KZ2 this morning & Garza's a bit of a useless twat aswell.
    I don't think the Helghast really have much to worry about.

  6. just found out it still has BotZone multiplayer. damn.. getting harder to resist buying it..
