T.D.A or Taken and Driven Away. Very apt. Today we launch the U3S GT5 B-Spec Driver training school. Are you sick of shouting at your HDTV as your numptie driver pulls over for a picnic on the last lap, do you dispair as they can't seem to understand even the most basic overtaking situations, can you just not be arsed to level the driver up because you have better things to do?
Well, after an intensive beta testing period, thanks Marvzilla!, if you'd like to drop your driver off at the daycare centre while you get on with the real job of, you know, actually driving around in circles, then we can offer you exclusively limited places for the first ever T.D.A. Your driver will complete an intensive training course, earn you Cr and themselves much needed XP as we get them to understand the finer points of kicking arse on the blacktop.
"I've gone from having one stig to a whole team of stigs" - Marvzilla
So, don't miss out on this unique chance, proven results from our crash course, you will not be disappointed by the champions we return to you. To Join just friend request PSN User: OPM_HotLips and we will get on with reviewing and testing your driver to see what we can do for them. Thank You.
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