Wednesday, 9 February 2011

Why I'm selling my copy of Black Ops

The lag issues in Black Ops are rediculous, and despite all that is good and fun about such a fast and frantic multiplayer, it's several steps backwards on Modern Warfare 2. Sixaxis today found a great YouTube demonstration of the problem, it's pretty damning:

See what Sixaxis are saying on it here (gotta quote your source!)


  1. that's a shit, how did the whole bot match thing in this game work out?

  2. Bots and local games are fine - but I like to get my swerve on online, and it's EXACTLY as this chap says, one day your the don, the next a sucker - all down to the connection. Fed up with playing, soo frustrating. I've beaten the campaign so it's ££ down at Game for me.

  3. gamestation did the job, good return prices, I did half a dozen titles = £91, got LBP2 and the Move starter pack - great fun

  4. my Move has sat there festering since i stopped playing Tumble. damn, it's the PS Eye all over again....
