Sunday, 13 September 2009

Entering The Badlands

those cheeky monkeys over at have gone all videogame crazy with their latest image challenge, you get the usual dross but some of the entries are genuine LOL material.

also:- Zero Punctuation: Wolfenstein (in limerick styleee)

made myself sad writing arsey emails to Amazon, fair play to them though they did refund me nearly £6, but that doesn't help the fact i am DiRTless, and the damn posties are on strike on monday *rolls eyes* cheered self up by playing a massive Red Faction session, y'know, that game has really grown on me now, i know deep down in the back of my mind i'm only using it to kill time until the FO3 DLC drops, but hey, at least you don't have to walk everywhere on Mars.

right, got to go buy some sugar now as my last slave apparently died of something...

ps: got some PSX memorycards off ebay cheap and found some spare 1Gb flash drives :)


  1. Looks interesting - will check it out. So are you going into mass production with your retro PSX memory card thingy?! :)

  2. naw, just a couple of people really liked the usb/ps card mod so i decided to knock some more up. that's their xmas pressies sorted out :)
