Sunday, 6 September 2009

a nice easy PS3 mod to build

do you miss having to save your stuff on a PS2 memory card? well fret no more as i have come up with this nice simple solution to a problem that never existed. a 256Meg USB powered PS2 memory card based mod for your PS3, or any other place that could be improved by having an old style memory card plugged into it. for this i used a standard PS2 8Meg magic gate card and a kingston 256Meg USB drive (why not build a 2Gig one?) that has been laying around since i got myself a new 4Gig job from work. pretty sure you can use any combination of PS2 card and USB drive just so long as it's small enough to fit inside the old playstation cards casing.


PS2 memory card USB mod


  1. I'm making that Airfix Dr Who and Tardis kit with my daughter, which means I'm doing it and she's waiting.. I did half and put it on the side..

  2. Yunno, I think I feel a competition coming on... what shall we make...

  3. @ jimmy - just got to get myself some arcade buttons and thin electrical wire and i'll be ready for the next fun build. found a guy on ebay selling the big chunky microswitched jobs for two and a half quid each. got half a wiring diagram scribbled out too.

    @ pablo - life's too short! :D

    ended up playing the hell out of GT4 this afternoon, guess i'm getting bored waiting for 5 to come out. today was all about the Nissan Challenges. looks nice scaled up to 1080p.

    the PS2 load screen still exists, at least they didn't kill that in FW3.0.

  4. does that sandwich have katsup or mayo? :)

    i am liking our attractive flash intro too -hehe-

    any company that ends it's name is a Z deserves to
    fail hard.

  5. It looks great - what an awesome idea - nice one!

  6. @ reakt - yeah, it has to be the easiest mod ever. who needs 8Gig SD cards hidden under a cover when you could have one of these bad boys on display :)

    now i just need a factory full of chinese slave children to mass produce them and flood ebay -haha-

  7. w4g77p9x84 r8y11o8u34 s3l84o4u32 f2m31x8j53 n3m07d5d56 s9x06c0x81
