anyone fussed about this weeks Store update? i'd like to know what happened to the LBP dynamic theme, hell, the Americans got it and it's our damn game! that is just wrong wrong wrong wrong. I also downloaded a 564Meg patch for Disgaea 3 last night and brought the game up to version 2.0, was it the trophy patch we've been waiting months for? nope. doesn't seem to have done anything in-game either. weird.
and what's with all the games being shunted to 2010? i for one don't go with the MW2 excuse, i think they're just using that as an excuse to polish their titles a bit more (get rid of all the glitches and bugs more like) i for one am not going to be buying Modern Warfare 2, the first one was alright but damn, it is so completely over rated, the story mode was good i'll give it that but the online.. just like every other online FPS i've ever played, totally unbalenced by people with over powerful perks and XP, even KZ2 is the same i'm afraid. people rely on getting the perks and using them rather than rely on mad skills, that's why Unreal Tournament will always be better and more even when it comes to multiplayer.
recent games do not cater for the more casual online gamer who likes to dip in and out, that stops being fun very quickly when you do nothing but get wasted within seconds by some camping bastard and their one hit kill weapon over and over and over again. i would rather set-up and play bot matches, which i do, at least you know they're not a bunch of cheap kill cheating bastards. /rant
anyhoo, what games are you lot getting this month? i'm really looking forwards to picking up my copy of Dirt 2 next friday, i'm temped by SHiFT as that does look a bit tastey (even though i didn't want to like it) but coming a week after DiRT it'll have to wait a while until i get into that driving seat.
[edit] The Trophies should be coming late Fall or Winter. We’re working on them. - Allison Walter – Product and Development Manager for Europe, NIS America
and what's with all the games being shunted to 2010? i for one don't go with the MW2 excuse, i think they're just using that as an excuse to polish their titles a bit more (get rid of all the glitches and bugs more like) i for one am not going to be buying Modern Warfare 2, the first one was alright but damn, it is so completely over rated, the story mode was good i'll give it that but the online.. just like every other online FPS i've ever played, totally unbalenced by people with over powerful perks and XP, even KZ2 is the same i'm afraid. people rely on getting the perks and using them rather than rely on mad skills, that's why Unreal Tournament will always be better and more even when it comes to multiplayer.
recent games do not cater for the more casual online gamer who likes to dip in and out, that stops being fun very quickly when you do nothing but get wasted within seconds by some camping bastard and their one hit kill weapon over and over and over again. i would rather set-up and play bot matches, which i do, at least you know they're not a bunch of cheap kill cheating bastards. /rant
anyhoo, what games are you lot getting this month? i'm really looking forwards to picking up my copy of Dirt 2 next friday, i'm temped by SHiFT as that does look a bit tastey (even though i didn't want to like it) but coming a week after DiRT it'll have to wait a while until i get into that driving seat.
[edit] The Trophies should be coming late Fall or Winter. We’re working on them. - Allison Walter – Product and Development Manager for Europe, NIS America
Has she got her breast out? I'm sure she has....
ReplyDeleteWell I guess that's one way to get our PS3s back to normal, send them a photo of ur tits lads!
yepp, they're resting lovingly on top of her warm PS3 :)
ReplyDeletehaha, yeah, if they promise to sort out 3.0 i'll stop sending them pics of my hairy moobs :D
Just picked up Arkham Asylum and thus far it's a cracker...
ReplyDeleteSOCK! POW! :D
ReplyDeleteyeah, that does look like a good title.
KZ2+LAN gig tonight round mine. dear grud,
there's gonna be cables EVERYWHERE. not sure
what time it's gonna go live but i'll set up
a THREESPEECH room. password announced later.
mmmm..... sorry, whassyousayin??? I agree tone about the imbalance in KZ2, I think you've worked out why I stopped playing it, I just got one load of good stuff and suddenly I'm matched with players with a load more - where's my opportunity to be the man?
ReplyDeleteI had a looky at quakelive.com more browser based Quake III action, it's a real blast from the past, fast and frantic, really nice and shows that actually basics is fun, like you're Unreal thang. I've got that as well, from the lovely original threespeech peoples :)
ReplyDeleteWinter for Disgaea trophies? Jeepers. I was going to pick this up soonish so will maybe have to wait.
Also, you seen the DLC package on the store? £40!!!! The game's only £17 on shopto.net
By the way, I want to add a pro-KZ2 comment - love(d) that game. Not really playing it anymore as have most of the trophies and medals/ribbons/badges. It's fairly easy to filter a game/or create one without all the perks and trinkets too - I've had some good matches with just the default rifle available.
Have they sorted Quake Live for Mac yet? Will defo have me some of that. Used to love Unreal Tourney 2004, what a game that was!
@ pablo - yeah, i paid 17.95 for Disgaea 3 no way on gruds earth are they getting 40 beer tokens out of me for the DLC! what a rip. the trophy thing is really holding me off playing it much though, it's great fun but at the back of my mind is a niggle that i'll have to start again just to get the early trophies.
ReplyDeletei'm not saying KZ2 isn't a great game, just online is so unbalanced, you go for a ranked game of your class/rank and there are people in there with top rankings/badges etc? where's the fair matching that? tonight should be a laugh though, XP boosting? hey, if you have to cheat to win :)
I've not been able to play much lately. The odd game of Warhawk here and there (rediscovered how good Warhawk was after playing Battlefield a bit and getting frustrated with it). Still into my VidZone although what's with all those bloody ads!?!? Would like to get Batman but very busy over the next few weeks as I'm getting married soon.
ReplyDeleteEnjoy your LAN party Tone - I've not been to one of those since University days (when we played Quake of course!)
@ reakt - married? what sort of excuse is that for not playing? ;) well done that chap and congrats and all that stuff. i got engaged but totally bottled it doing anything more.
ReplyDeletelast night was fun, usual sort of issues, people forgetting ethernet cables and keyboards etc. but it all went off well. y'know, it felt like that's what gaming should be about still, having mates over, cracking a few beers, all this online multiplayer now seems even more soulless.
bring back two player split screen as a standard gaming mode!
married! blimey. sweet.
Congratulations due Reakt, good boy! I think mobiletone should be best man, mittens should organise the stag, pabloamigo can do the catering, I'll DJ the reception! LAN party in the bridal suite :) Oh yeah, lets have JohnSketch run the bar, that'll work!
ReplyDeleteWoooo crazy stag night in Home confirmed!
ReplyDeleteI can virtually cook a mean soufflé!
I hear you are partial to a bit of Street Fighter 4? Might tap you up for a few rounds at some point. My large ape hands limit my ability somewhat though!