Friday, 25 September 2009

Metal Gear? YES! METAL GEAR!!!!

Hello girl gamers! Hello guy gamers! have some amazing in-game screen shots for you. All taken from the demo version of Kojimas much wanted Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker. Apologies for the bad picture quality, was taking the pics with a camera directly from my psp.

and ooooooohhhhh my are the graphics good!

Take a peek a boo at some of these pics, the style and substance of this game is truley unbelieveable.

So if anyone has any concerns that this isn't going to be a fully realised Metal Gear that blows you away with style, rich graphics, crisp sound effects and tones of balls, then those concerns will be addressed come release date.


ppppsssstttt! Hey you! wana play MGS, yea? here is the link for the demo


  1. just checked the youtube videos, this looks fantastic, finally a reason other than bloomin patapon to charge up the PSP!

  2. y'know what.. this looks rather nice, just downloaded and installed it, intro looked sweet, gonna give the game a bash later on.


    just recorded the intro to the demo on an equally crappy camera :)

  4. I found amazing graphics. it inspiring me to play this game Mettle gear.

  5. Graphics look awesome. Also nice to see you posting here E-Role buddy.
    [reakt] from Greece (*steeling time on his honeymoon!*)

  6. Honeymoon ay Reakt? Congrats bud, hope you have a good one. All the best to ya!
