1 / 10
Mirror's Edge (EA)
Vastly underrated on its release last year, this innovative and highly stylised chase game brings a new physicality to the first-person perspective, and it just oozes style. Sure, there are frustrating moments and you'll finish it in a couple of days, but if you want something truly unusual to mess about with over a rainy summer weekend, leap this way
2 / 10
Call of Juarez: Bound in Blood (Ubisoft)
Flawed but extremely atmospheric Wild West shooter, filled with exciting shootouts, swaggering outlaws and convincing John Ford-esque locales. If you’re tired of the second world war and the Middle East, it’s a mightily refreshing change of pace
3 / 10
Midnight Club: Los Angeles (Rockstar)
Immensely exciting urban racer, jammed with great locations and awesome cars. It's also a huge challenge with many, many hours of gameplay. You can pick it up for 18 quid on Amazon which is steal akin to hot-wiring a brand new Ferrari 458. Well, maybe EVO VIII
4 / 10
Valkyria Chronicles (Sega)
A gloriously deep tactical role-playing game set on a warring continent that resembles 1930s Europe. The turn-based combat system is cleverly devised and the story of oppression and honour is genuinely moving. Plus, you'll get at least 20-30 hours of gameplay out of it – much, more if you're not a veteran of such classics as Final Fantasy Tactics and Shining Force
5 / 10
Civilization Revolution (2k Games)
Sid Meier's engrossing world-domination sim has been a stalwart of the PC gaming scene for 18 years. This brilliantly rethought console version strips away some complexities, but guiding your clan from a bunch of ancient warriors to a powerful global force remains a deep and worryingly addictive challenge
6 / 10
Ratchet and Clank: Tools of Destruction (Sony)
The loveable alien duo returns for another epic sci-fi adventure. Forget the plot, feel the perfectly tuned controls and rollicking action, as the unlikely heroes battle from one side of a densely realised galaxy to the other, wise-cracking all the way. Now available as part of the PS3 Platinum range for around a tenner. You'd be a fool not to
7 / 10
Condemned II: Bloodshot (Sega Europe)
Truly gruesome first-person shooter following an alcoholic serious crimes investigator, Ethan Thomas, on the hunt for serial killers in the back alleys of Metro City. If you're after gore, violence and, well, more gore, you really shouldn't miss this. Your children very much should, though ...
8 / 10
Ninja Gaiden Sigma (Tecmo)
Your clan is massacred and now it's time to seek revenge on the evil Vigor Empire. Well, that's the story out of the way, from here on in it's all massive swords, extravagant moves and joyously brutal combat. Not one for mincing button-mashers, though; be prepared to put in some serious hours mastering the fighting system ...
9 / 10
inFamous (Sony)
The survivor of a massive explosion finds he has incredible super powers with which to battle a range of deadly comic book-style villains. This intriguing sci-fi romp is one of a new generation of open-world action adventures, but has not been the mega-hit Sony expected. Definitely worth discovering now
10 / 10
Red Faction: Guerrilla (THQ)
Incredibly well designed third-person sci-fi blaster, set amid a bloody revolution on the planet Mars. Even if the story lacks the depth we're becoming accustomed to, the destructive environments are amazing fun, as are the ridiculously powerful weapons. A blast