Monday, 10 August 2009

what console would you choose?

that was the question put to the loverly minxs over at GameGirl, nice to see them showing some love for the PS3 and not turning the whole thing into a horrible fanboy shouting match.

to be honest it was just an excuse to post that pic ;)


  1. naughty boy tone - is the heat getting to you?

  2. i'm all for tattooed gamer girls in gingham :D

    Gamegirl are our sworn mortal sexy enemy... or would
    be if i could stop worshipping the ground they walk on.

    who let girls start playing with our toys anyway? -haha-

  3. the heat, maybe. the cute, definitely. i just wish they'd put a few more clothes on in this weather, the amount of times i've nearly piled my bike up thanks to being distracted!!

    but if SONY wants 'lifestyle' pictures they should maybe start living in the reality of what their actual demographic is and not the stylised arty bullshit world of happy socially well adjust vast apartment living bankers advertisers make them think are buying their products.

    when was the last time you saw a tattooed gamer throwing their joypad against the wall in an advert?

    reality may not be pretty, but it's real.
