Thursday, 13 August 2009

Follow us on twitter

Unofficial Threespeech is now down with the cool kids, er, and Steven Fry.
Yes, we're on twitter! -
The feed is automatically updated every half an hour and will "tweet" the subject of the new articles (and a link to them) as they're posted here on the blog.


  1. I can provide the login & password to any blog members that want to configure the twitter account (e.g. perhaps somebody wants to change the icon, or to follow other twitter users).

  2. Looks like it will only show new articles, starting from now (unless I figure out how to add in tweets for all our existing articles). Anyway, hopefully it'll work :)

  3. you are our technological leader Rich :)

  4. wow, never even figured you could do that!

    A+ and a half hour extra for lunch! :D

    it seemed i had a twitter but haven't used it for nearly a yeah so i added us.

    i think, if you have the time there's a good few companies on this list we can add to the following bit, tis stolen from Sony :D

    could be good for the insider gossip stuff.

  5. Tone - no problem I will add some twits to our "following" list. I'm mailing you the password as well so you can add some more from that list (or any others you like). Do you think you could do a small graphic for our icon please? Also I think also if we get some more people following us then it will be good promotion for this blog.

  6. yeah i can knock up an icon/pimp the layout, probably do it over the w/e sometime.

    ps: Steven Fry is a god, well, being Norfolk an all that.. not sure what that says about us lot over in the boonies :D
