Monday, 3 August 2009

Ponys, with a Z



  1. Hella Yeah! who needs a Go when you can have a stinky old PSP in girl colours!

  2. can we has KittinZ too?

    ps: went to cinema to watch G-Force 3D at weekend, not as funny as Bolt but still kinda cool. couldn't find anywhere to rent the game from though. seems nobody has bothered to get any in stock. not a good sign :\


    lies, damn lies i tell yah! OK, so the last girl that got anywhere near my PS3 thrashed me at Tekken, i have not played the game since *sobsobsob* AH, i tellz i lie, i did play some co-op SaintZ Row 2 with one but all she did was dick around shopping and ride her widowmaker, IN MY GAME! needless to say she had an unfortunate 'accident' with an APC and never game back :)

  4. G-Force 3D with teh hamsterz. I wanted to watch that but my gf was surprisingly uninterested!

  5. i just had a horrible memory.. didn't they make a PINK PS2 Slim at one point??? probably bundled with SingStar too.

  6. Pink PS2. Yes John Sketch has one. Incidentally, what happened to all the other "Three Speech regulars" like John Sketch, E-Role, Apnomis, etc, etc. A few of us have made it over to the new blog but not many. If you're reading guys, we miss your comments!

  7. And talking of slim - the PS3-slim-rumour-mill is spiralling out of control and I reckon an announcement about it is imminent! (hope so anyhow!)

  8. @reakt

    Shirley there won't be anything until GamesCom (which is fairly soon admittedly).

    I predict another post-event leak, then some poor Sony mugs going "why can't you guys keep a secret" like they did at E3.

  9. By the way, I still see(?) the rest of the old gang on our Killzone 2 Wiki and over the PSN/XMB, but it seems that while the new blog has brought all the teen moaners under one roof, it appears to have left several of the original crew homeless! :(


    when we having a fight to the death on SF4 Sir Richard?

  10. Gamescon is in 2 weeks, right? - I think that's where they'll announce the slim. I agree that if it is to be announced, the news will be leaked prior to the event too.

    Ah yes, the killzone 2 wiki - I'm afraid I've not been on there for a long while. I haven't played kz2 for ages either. My problem is I can never stay dedicated to one game for too long. I'm like a kitten constantly looking out for my next ball of string to play with; or a hustling pimpster looking for his next piece of booty to pimp out, if you will.

    Let's have a SF4 match later this week. (will send you a PSN message).

  11. I prefer to think of you in a lime green pimp suit and a purple hat with a feather - so I'll go with that analogy! :)

    Hit me up on the PSN I should be on the PS3 a fair bit this week.

  12. hey, why are we so excited about the PS3-Slim anyways? shirley we all have a PS3? OK it would be good if they do bring one out and be somewhat cheaper then maybe i could convince some people to get one, but as it stands my PC gamer mates and general last day adopter friends (still gaming on their PS2s!!!) still think the x360 is the better option for gaming. i have done all i can in my power to convince them overwise but the price IS the big sticking point. i really do feel this xmas is make or break for Sony to pull something out of the bag.

  13. ps: i miss the old TSR crew too, i see them post on the Eeeew blog but they don't seem that fussed over this blog, i've made enough comments over there with this url attached. that makes the kittens sad.

  14. Stop calling me shirley! :)

    Don't know why I'm so obsessed with the PS3 slim (or the prospect of it). I won't buy one unless my 80gb suddenly goes up in value I can trade it for one (much like I traded "up" from my launch unit and made some cash). like that'll happen again! Anyway, I guess I'm just interested in shiny gadgets! I was the same with the iphone - got very excited about it but never bought one.

    About the price point. I've changed my mind about what Sony's strategy will be. Look at their arogant pricing tactics with the PSP Go - cheaper for them to manuafacture than the PSP slim and lite yet it sells for a lot more. When asked about it Sony perhaps said something about being able to charge whatever the hell they like for it as early adopters would sell their own Mothers to be amongst the first to own a new gadget.

    Maybe the same will happen when the slim ps3 comes out. The George-Foreman-grill SKU that we all currently own will get the price cut (in order to sell off current stocks quickly) whilst the new slim model will see a price hike! It wouldn't make any sense but would be quite typical for Sony!

    And about the Eeeew blog (nice name for it Tone!) a couple of times I've emailed them and asked them to link us up in their "what we read" section. Just to link to one of my PSN reviews - I've been quite positive with those reviews (well I wouldn't be motivated to write much about a game if I didn't like it) - so you'd think they wouldn't mind. Anyway, no reply from them whatsoever - like I'm now no better than the annoying blog kids that whine in the comments. It seems like they'll only link to well-known blogs sites as I haven't seen them link to anything that isn't already mainstream.

  15. they won't link to us because we swear and fart and pimp-slap each other. Long may we continue to do so!

  16. @ jimmy - damn straight! :D you can't even post 'WTF' on the Eeeew site without it going to a moderation queue.

    we are the true three speech site.

