Saturday, 1 August 2009

Fucking Idiot gets Banned, tries to Sue

yepp, you read that right Erik Estavillo, or PSN User: Vincint19 basically got his arse banned from the PSN by Sony after smack talking and generally being abusive (a total fuckwad) to other gamers, now the fact he was warned on a number of occasions seems to have done nothing to stop him behaving like a complete tool, in fact he was so upset over being banned that he has decided to try and sue Sony over 1st amendment rights or some other bullshit. i just hope he has seriously deep pockets to pay off those Sony lawyers bill when he loses the case.

'Estavillo, then, is suing Sony for repressing his constitutional right to free speech and causing him pain and suffering.'

I'm an equal-opportunitist racist" - Vincint19

"Erik Estavillo, who says he suffers from agoraphobia, a fear of crowds and public places, depends completely on the PlayStation game for social interaction.'

Estavillo, 29, cited a number of mental disorders in his filed complaint against Sony on July 6, which claimed the ban "has caused pain and suffering to an already disabled plaintiff."

what about the suffering he caused to other online gamers (disabled or not)? has the idiot thought about that. i doubt it, it's people like him who ruin the PSN for others and i am all up for banning fucking plebians like him who get their kicks from fucking other peoples shit up for life. in fact we should round them all up and send them off to special re-education camps (read: death camps) and not allow them back online until they have learnt to be civil to other users.

i hope SONY rapes him in court and takes him for $100,000's in legal fees

we have contacted Vincint19 about this and are awaiting his reply.



  1. Ah well, I guess he can always join XBox Live instead - I'm sure he'll feel at home there!

  2. makes you wonder if people like that ever read the ToS? i mean, Sony are totally within their rights to ban anyone for violating it, much like if we banned someone from this site for being a douche. Another example of someone being full of 'their rights' and having no clue about their responsibilities, i note he pulled the video he posted explaining his grieviences with Sony then pulled it a few days later after getting flamed :) but most of his other vidoes are of him being a dick, he seemed to take great pleasure from it. good riddence i say.

  3. Vincint19 doesn't just trash talk. He harasses people until they stop playing. He has claimed that people have the ability to mute him, so he should be allowed to say what he wants. I have personally witnessed him sit in the lobby of a game in progress and repeatedly switch teams (taking away the ability to mute him) just so he could sexually harass an underage female.

    If a person he's attacking leaves, he follows. If they add him to their ignore list, he makes a new account. It's about time they got around to banning him. Even though he just uses a different account now.

    Oh well...

  4. yeah i agree i have added his name to my ignore list about 13 of his accounts on resistance he just comes back with a new name hope sony rapes him and holds him down just hope they post it on you tube and since he lives in san jose hope i dont see him any where near me he's just a tool he tries to make fun of some clans in r1 but he just harrasses the hell out of djw76 and the poor bastard buys in to it you guys should here them going at it its really funny

  5. Hi DARKSYDE13.

  6. I see this guy alot on the Manchesster for the past 2 years .This guy needs to be arrested and taken cre of by the authorities . I hope they can get rid of him..MCCALI

  7. @ above - Vincint19 has not responded to our emails, but from what i gather he's a serial douche bag.

  8. It would be SOOO much cheaper for him just to buy an xbox, but he probably didnt think of that coz he is a violent douche bad
