So what am i doing updating at this time? well i have the day off as my abode is surrounded in scaffolding and some rugged manly types are laying concrete outside while i hide indoors nibbling my toast and slurping my coffee and later they're going to be doing the pre-works to fit spanky new windows (not Vista *chuckles*) which gives me a GAMER DAY! so i'm finally going to nail that last Fallout 3 mission 'you gotta shoot 'em in the head' well, if i hadn't already shot mr Crowley in the head things may be a bit easier as you have to get the quest off him, d'oh! fingers crossed that my other saves are ok as he is recently headless, well, i'm pretty sure he started it, i just got caught in the crossfire, it was self defence, honest guv! bloody ghouls!
I second the call for NO SLIM PS3!!
ReplyDeleteI put my bluetooth headset by the PS3 for a few mins before a game and ta-daaaa - a nice warm ear to complement my squad based tactical destructo-ray!
Ps3 (non)Slim with reel-2-reel get's my vote.
ReplyDeleteEither that or a tape deck. Cassettes go up to 120mins these days you know - imagine how much uncompressed audio and video you could fit on that sucka!
I'd also like the slim to have all-curved sides so you can't put anything above, below or to the side of it.
It just sits there rocking...
I kinda like the idea of a new slim PS3, but I'd rather they just focus on releasing kick ass games, i've had three friends this month convert to PS3 due to the amazing games and reliability of the PS3.
ReplyDelete...and the awesomeness of bumping into me, you, tone or Jimmy online.
Honestly, that is worth the price of entry alone!! :)
*runs around in his T-51b power armor*
ReplyDeletesweeeeet. this is my power armor, there are
many other power armors, but this one is mine...
damn, better hide it somewhere safe as not to
scratch the thing, there's only one copy of it
in the game.
you get a 'winterised' version for completing the
DLC 'operation Ancorage'
sliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim! It's all about the slim, baby!
ReplyDeleteDamn, I hope these suckers still support the easy installation of larger HDDs. I can see myself buying on of these badboys and swapping out the drive for my current 250gb jobby. The tricky part is backing everything up beforehand of course but worth it for this slimmed down slice of awesomeness. So I guess I'm the only one here who actually likes it (or the idea of it).
In other news - have you guys seen that Jem Alexander from Joystiq is now managing the EU PlayStation blog? He's a good bloke - I met him at the 3rooms event I went to (long while back). This is good news for the EU blog I reckon.
ReplyDeleteI saw you getting pally - way to get a foot in the door mate. :)
I like the idea of the slim - but as I expect my phat to be rocking for a good few years yet I doubt I'll get one at launch.
I'm all for it though - the psone and pstwo slims certainly drove sales when they were released.
May still go for a PSPGo though, despite the supposed uproar and backlash. Have people tried playing Resident Evil on the iPhone or DS? Urghhhhh!