Friday, 19 June 2009

For Great Justice!

Disgaea 3... how the heck do you describe this? simply it's a JSRPG, more complicatedly it's like FFvii on a bag full of mushrooms where you actually get to be the bad guys, girls, prinnies? dood! For all its off-the-cuff (and in joke) humor, is actually a game with a huge amount of depth to it. It will reward fans of tactical JRPGs very highly for persevering. Given that good JRPGs for the PS3 are very thin on the ground at the moment this title is a welcome addition. It has cool as fuck retro graphics but if you can get past looks you will find a colossal, highly entertaining and challenging game. Though Disgaea 3 does not feel at all like a PS3 game, it does feel like a damn good SRPG.

Disgaea 3 takes place in the Demon World Academy of Evil, a kind of netherworld prep school. The rules work a bit differently from what you'd expect. Doing homework, getting to class on time, following the rules, and generally trying to be a good student earns you the title of delinquent, while the student who avoids homework and skips class the most is dubbed the "honor" student (in a demon world, wouldn't being a delinquent be a good thing though?) The main character this time around is Prince Mao, son of the overlord and the school's highest ranked student, who has never gone to class once. Thanks to an unhealthy obsession with manga and video games, Mao gets the idea of overthrowing his father and becoming a great hero. When asked how he can kill his own father, Mao explains that his father erased all of the data on his PSP memory card (given a different name, though) and so he has sworn vengeance.

Game On! [mobiletone]


  1. you swine, I may have to buy this now!

  2. I saw you were playing that last night Tone and wondered what it was all about. Well it must be good if it distracts your Fuel playing for a little while!

  3. "Switch seats with classmates"

    Am I right in thinking this will be patched soon to include trophies?

  4. @ pabloamigo - those Jap's have had trophy support since.. March sometime. mmm, why do i not have it yet then?? switching seats is more important than it sounds, you get to sit next to the hot girl :D

    @ reakt - i did put it off for a long time, those trailers of gameplay scared the buggery out of me, but it's not as bad as it looks. yet. :) the 17.95 price tag helped to sway my mind. it has over 100+hrs of story to it too. -eep-
