Tuesday, 30 June 2009

technical difficulties

Seems we are having trouble (hi-jacked by some parking site!?) with the redirection of the sites address so please hit us up using http://ps3speech.blogspot.com until we hunt down the zombie kittens and put them back in containment. thank you.

[edit] normal service has no been resumed. Good luck to all the TSR crew who go to fight the noble fight tonight. If you're unlucky i may drop in and throw myself up as a human shield -heheh-


  1. snap - we've had yet another powercut at work this morning.

    Honestly, how hard can it be (providing you are a qualified spark) to wire a building up properly?


  2. i find it kinda disturbing just how much The IT Crowd mirrors where i work.. even down to the piles of 'classic' hardware cluttering the place up.

  3. my ps3 signs me out constantly after I signed out of the network once

  4. @ SASxKIDx - try disabling your Media Server. it's under [settings] - [network settings] - [media server connection]

    how is your PS3 connected? wi-fi or ethernet to router or straight ethernet to modem?

    have you tried an internet connection test?

    if using a router is the PS3 set in a DMZ?

    if you have a low wi-fi signal strength that will cause you problems signing in to PSN :(
