Back to playing the Dreamcast on the 14" portable then i guess until i can sell a kidney or my bottom down the train yard to passing commuters to get the funds for a new screen... sad times indeed, sad times :(
On an up note i do get to buy a new TV at some point in the future, so, fellow readers, the budget will be around 300 beer tokens, the mission - a new screen for my PS3. What would you do? what would you do. I did spot a couple of 32" 1080P sets in Aldi for a smidge under 300, i was dubious so checked the box and they were full HD resolution and very similar specs to my old dead screen. So i guess the F-HD tech is making it's way to the budget market now.
Knowing me, i guess i'm going to opt for picking up an ex-rental HD ready screen or similar and need at least a 32", anything smaller makes the kittens cry! i could just get a big cheap SDTV until i save the cash for a half decent HDTV.
Any thoughts on what make/model etc i should go for?
Hello chap, you have my deepest sympathy!
ReplyDeleteI get a regular email from Richer Sounds with some HDTV bargains in it. Should get another this week so will forward on to you.
A couple of weeks ago they had a Hitachi 32" for about £269!!!! Also had a Sammy for about £300 notes too.
I've got a Toshiba Regza which I really like. Couldn't imagine going back to an SDTV now.
You could splash the cash like me and go for a sexy 50" pioneer kuro, i'd save up personally...
ReplyDelete@ pabloamigo - yeah, there's a Richer Sounds on the way to a friends, just had a look and they have a Hitachi for 270, but it's kinda lacking in the connections department, more a huge monitor than a TV, but i'll keep an eye out. I work near a place that deals with Hughes ex-rental stuff so will be checking them out too, gonna be a good couple of weeks yet though :(
ReplyDelete@ Mittens - that would be nice, but on my wages totally unjustifiable :)
be careful tone, a lot of the cheap screens have frankly shocking refresh rates - if in doubt stick your PS3 and an HDMI in a bag and take them to a shop for a realworld demo - far more valuable than some review.
ReplyDeleteHey, Sony lurkers! Send tone a nice new screen, he bigs you up enough!
@ Mr Jimmy - i don't know what you'd call shocking, my last screen was a 32" Goodmans, 6ms, 500c/m2, 1000:1 contrast with a 1366x768 resolution.... you can stop weeping now! i thought it was good enough for gaming on :) there are rather a lot of them on ebuy for an average of 220 for ex-display models etc.
ReplyDeletei did test the screen with an X360 before i bought it, at the very least i'd check the spec's online before having a closer look.
and yeah, i'm sure someone at Sony has some old Bravias knocking around the place collecting dust, c'mon guys, help an old gamer out who's down on his luck right now, it's kinda heartbreaking having to stare at that empty hole where my TV used to be :(
ps: @ Mittens, are you THE Mr Mittens mentioned in OPM this month?
ReplyDeleteThere's only one Mr Kittens, one Mr Kittens!!!!
ReplyDeleteSorry to hear about your TV Tone. What about this Samsung one for 329 - www.ebuyer.com/product/160823 it's not 1080p (1366 x 768 - I think that means it'll do 1080i, like mine). But it's got 3 HDMIs on it - looks like a good bit of kit and well worth the money. I have to admit I'm a bit of a Sony fanboy (and not just for PlayStation but I also have one of their TVs). So I would say buy Sony over Samsung, however, you're not going to find a Sony TV with this spec for this price. You could wait until the PS4 comes out and then queue up to buy it on launch-day in central London in the hope that Sony repeat their publicity-stunt what they did for the PS3 whereby everyone in the queue to buy aforementioned shiny new console is given shiny new HDTV to take home with it!
ReplyDelete@ reakt - the only thing i got from queuing up on launch day was cold and wet :D i can't believe i was there 2hrs before the shop opened pacing up and down staring through the window longing for the ultimate console to be in my grasp. once bought i promptly hid the box inside a bin bag i took with me and sat there clutching it on the bus like i had a suitcase full of adamantium all the way home.
ReplyDeleteHahah, that sounds familiar. I took the day off work on that cold day of 23rd March. I actually took a suitcase with me (to Woolworths) to secure my purchase. When waiting outside for the store to open, I remember thinking, "where is everyone". Had I got the wrong day? I also took the bus home and was convinced that everyone else on the bus was just there to try to steal my prized new toy. Was bored of Motorstorm and Resistance after a few days and had to wait for weeks for anything else worth playing to come out! If there ever is a PS4 I'm not sure I'll be a day-oner again (or even an early adopter for that matter!)
ReplyDeleteHey, there's a Toshiba Regza 32" 1080p here for 400. A bit over budget but a good deal I reckon if you can get the extra notes...
-haha- yeah, where were the launch day riots we were promised? :D my queue consisted of me and another guy who already had got a ps3 on import (bastard) and wondered if they had any new games out *smirks* i played MS and Resistance to death, then i picked up Ridge Racer 7 at some point and actually paid £50 for a copy of Oblivion when it came out!!! rip-off Virgin Store.
ReplyDeletethat Tosh' looks nice, bit concerned over response times and brightness though, would have to see it in action.
ReplyDeletesold my trials bike *pouts* so that cash is in the new tv fund jamjar, i'll get there soon. should know about a 28" SD Tosh later tonight, the people have upgraded to a spiffy HDTV and stuck the old 16:9 in the garage so cheap as chips.