Friday, 26 June 2009

NO to PSPgo - SixthAxis have it covered

Watchful on SixthAxis just posted up my exact thoughts about the PSPgo - go read it and agree with him below


  1. indeed, i has the PSP2000 with a glass clear case and see no reason at all to upgrade, the pricing is just obscene too! i read an article earlier this weeks about the only reason it costs that is because it is a 'premium' product and Sony believes early adopters will shell out for it. nope, no, not a chance! not unless it comes with a voucher for a free go on Paris Hiltons funbags.

    retailers too are concerned, with one national chain store (not Game) stating they only sell 5 PSPs a week at what is basically cost to them (£125 i think) across 21 stores.

    the future for the PSPgo is not so bright. if i had the money spare, i'd chip for an iTouch instead personally.

  2. what happened to the whole PS3/PSP connectivity thing during games hey? that's one of the reasons i got a PSP and as usual Sony didn't deliver on their promises.

    just think, a game like Fallout3 could have had the PipBoy displayed on your PSPs screen, it could have even had a special armband so it'd be authentic to the game too, THAT would have been the dogs balls.

    Sony needs to stop pumping the hardware and just do SOMETHING with what we have already.

  3. A bit cynical, sonys been doing this for ages (psp slim, 3000, slim ps1/2), If you consider it a new console then i guess its fair to feel shortchanged, but in reality it's just a repackaged piece of kit put out there to revitalise sales and encourage more development of titles on the platform.

    2. Lack of software features - Not heard about the supposed app store featuring non gaming apps? and who cares that much anyway, if your buying a pspGO for this reason your clearly looking in the wrong place, its predominantly a gaming platform not a hybrid phone,game console, toaster(iPhone/Touch). Besides, I can't imagine that sony aren't planning to evolve the firmware and software over time (compare the Iphone as it was day 1 to now having millions of apps?)

    3. cannot play UMDs- getting digital copies of existing games onto a micro memory stick is a good deal, and if you bought any UMD movies, well, that was just an error ;)

    4. Only 16gb of storage- my iPhone 3g has 16gb, costs a similar amount and is filled to the brim with music movies and games, its easy enough to grab music etc off my comp and put them on it, whats stopping sony from letting us dump games, music and movies onto an iTunes like progamme and doing the same?

    6. smaller screen- smaller device? current PSPs are monsterous in size and look severly out of place in your pocket.

    7. Embedded battery...a reason to not buy an iPhone/iPod? no. Poor point really...

    8 Ugly start select buttons- has this guy tried out the system, i strongly think not, the general consensus from media outlets is that all the buttons, the analogue stick and the quality of the device in general is pretty good, think i'll listen to them than be unnecessarily cynical...

    9. the price- the only fair point the guy makes, a very steep price to pay, but mind you day 1 console adopters always pay a steep price, i remember shelling out £400 for the ps3 day 1, i could've easily have waited a year until metal gear came out, who says you have to adopt to the pspGO straight away...

    The facts are simple, if you already have a PSP of any kind, theres no need to upgrade. Long term tho it's easy to see Sony fully abandoning the UMD format, so how will you all plan to keep up, having a wide collection of memory stick duos? To me the pspGO is the way to go, digital releases with lower prices, nuff said.

    Question of interest, how many of you regularly play UMDs on your PSP (or play your psp atall)?

  4. Yeah I hear you Mittens, sure it's a full on cynical 10 reasons, your counterpoints are the flipside, but put them together - no way any of us will go for it at this price point. I've a first gen PSP, an iPhone and my daughter has a DS. My PSP is fine and I wouldn't spend £100 on an upgrade. Most early adopters for PS stuff have a better PSP than me, so I think very few units will move.

  5. @ Mittens - i tend to use my PSP as a portable drive and media player these days, as for playing UMDs to be honest theres not been much coming out lately that's really grabbed my interest.

    i got my PSPslim as a compliment to my PS3 and sadly after giving up with the next to usless remote play (using public wi-fi) feature and lack of support from PS3 games it kinda evolved in to nothing more than a mp3/mp4 player. which is pretty sad considering what it should be capable of.

    Hopefully GTpsp will buck things up again *crosses fingers*

  6. Despite all that has been said chaps...

    ...I still want one!

  7. I also want one but I'm not sure why! After all, I have a psp phat that's been gathering dust in a cupboard, having not been used for a year or so.

    As for the price, yes it's too steep and will put many people off. Sony are probably thinking, "well if Apple can get away with it..."

    @Mittens - I heard about the store featuring non-gaming apps. What interests me most about this is the possibility that Sony might actually release an SDK into the wild, as Google and Apple have done for Android / iPhone. That's the only way they're gonna get a decent number of apps for it anyhow. Plus writing an app for the PSP is something I'd like to have a go at (having spent countless hours struggling with the unofficial psp toolchain put together by the homebrew community - I've so far not been able to come up with much worth using).

  8. @pablo - sure I want one too, but I'd rather have two or three PS3 games than a PSPgo, I could get six or seven for the cost of the hardware alone!!

  9. @Mr J

    that's true - I think my main motivation for wanting one is so I can play the plethora of japanese rpgs available on it. I suppose I could just do that on a bog standard psp, but where's the fun in that eh?
