Wednesday, 17 June 2009

The Second Annual E3 Hype Massacre

it's time for our featured stolen Wednesday video :)


  1. i really must get around to playing As's Creed it's been hanging around collecting dust for waaaaaay to long now, i think we should have no new games for at least 3 months so i can finally catch up on shit... oh hang on, summers here :)

  2. Does the guy in the vid not like ANY games? Quite funny anyways!

  3. @tone

    Are you still on the lookout for a TV chap?

    Latest Richer Sounds email has a 1080p Samsung for £399!!

  4. @ pablo - it's looking more and more like Richer are gonna get my beer tokens, my local branch had a Sammy on clearance for 250 but i just couldn't quite stretch to that at the time, damn. roll on payday :)
