Monday, 15 June 2009


Not many of you know that Mister Jimmy was a first generation Hip Hop DJ before I got a job, got married, got a kid and a PS3. I still have my Technics 1210's and have been scratch mixing for 24 years, so I do know how many copies of a wrekkid to buy to make sure you NEVER wear out the good bits.

So, if anyone will be able to put this through it's tests, I'm your man. From this video, I have to say signs are promising. Watch this space.

(BTW I've never even tried a Guitar Hero or similar - closest I've tried is Samba De Amigo :) )



  1. quality - i'd be interested in a MrJimmy comparison between this and DJ Hero or whatever they are calling it. I think DJ Shadow had a hand in that one, though if it's anything like his last album I'll give it a miss.

    what did you spin on your decks sir?

    I am always partial to a bit of Erik B & Rakim & Jeru the Damaja myself.

  2. wikka wiki wikki wik wik wikika FRESH! :D

    i has the Guitar Hero, the closest it is is not a lead or rhythm but BASS, i was an old garage band punker/crusty dog on a string bastard back in the day and that plastic axe is fun to mash around with.

    Samba de Amigo..? on the DC??

    i can see 'the kids' going mad for Scratch or DJ Hero, apparently there's some sick mash-ups in the track listings. i like mash ups :)

  3. @pabloamigo - if they send them to me I'll review them! I'll try to check both out as early as I can.

    DJ Shadow is a master crate digger, sometimes he's a little light for my tastes but he's a legend and no mistake.
    Eric B, Jeru: got everything they ever made! Plenty wax in my attic, if any of you pass Luton be sure to come over.

    Samba: actually on PS2 Eyetoy with my lil girl!

  4. @pabloamigo I used to DJ mostly in South London, Woolwich, Deptford etc. I used to do the Hip Hop room at raves like Inspiration and Asylum. Spun with Westwood on a couple of occasions, also I was in a mental band called Amalganation. More recently I DJ'd on Interface Pirate Radio (google it, it's still going strong).

  5. Jimmy - that's awesome about your DJing skills. I have tried my hand at mixing as a teenager but never got the hang of it. I'm familiar with 1210s as some of my mates were DJs and I'd regularly help out - lugging the things around. Anyway, it would be great to hear your opinions of this thing when it comes out. It looks interesting and I've watched the video. As of yet I'm unconvinced that this controller represents DJing as - it only has one deck and it has buttons on a bit like guitar hero does. OK in the video I see some guy messing with samples and a drum machine and pressing buttons. How often does a DJ do that though? I've never seen this kind of DJing before. All the ones I've ever seen, use two decks and a mixer and don't bother with the sampler / drum machine much or at all. But I'm far from an expert so perhaps I've missed the point. Jimmy - are you into graffiti and b-boying as well?!?

  6. Ahem, I might have swung off the odd flyover with a pocketful of fatcaps on occasion.. Mostly I was the lookout...

    Never could do the windmill! Today I can barely move due to minor excercise, 40 next month! But I am Hip Hop for life. MATURE B-BOYS RULE!

  7. These newbie 'whippersnapper' DJs are quite at home with CD scratch decks, which can perform largely like proper turntables, but without a needle in a groove there is always going to be something clinical about all that. I don't expect that from these PS3 games, but the ability to cut and scratch, then technical stuff like flares and orbits would be kewl.

  8. @ Mr Jimmy - 40 hey? has the gem in your palm started flashing yet as in Logans Run :)

  9. @MrJimmy

    Would you be the man to run to if I needed to tweak my crab?
